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They tried the chest-weights and tested the bars and experimented with about everything they found down there, and then went into the adjoining compartment and peered into the shower-baths and passed on the merits of the steel lockers. "The fellow who built this gym knew what he was doing," declared Steve approvingly. "Some of these lockers have got things in them," he continued, peeping into one.

"Now, what a fine long day we are going to have, Jasper, for sightseeing in Rotterdam." As the train came to a standstill, the guards threw open compartment doors, and all the people poured out calling for porters to see to their luggage, and everything was in confusion at once on the platforms. "Indeed, you won't, Miss Polly," declared Mr.

"They yanked out the high tension wire instead of stopping the motor with the switch," he answered at length, and then, when he had taken a look into the compartment where the gasoline tank was, he added: "And they've ripped out two more of the braces I put in. Why in the world they did that I can't imagine." "That's evidently what one man had that the others wanted," was Mr. Damon's opinion.

She has had a very trying and terrible experience and I do not wonder that she is unnerved. You may not know it, monsieur, but we were married but five days ago, and this " he glanced about the compartment with a sad smile "this, monsieur, is our honeymoon." The Frenchman sank back, all his anger swept away. "It is pitiful, monsieur, pitiful," he said, quietly.

"A leak!" cried the captain. "Yes, this locker is half full of water, and all the stuff in it is soaked." It was true enough. The salt water had come in through some opening of the seams of the previously tight compartment and had done much damage. The victuals were only fit to throw overboard. "Half rations from now on," said the captain sternly. "Half rations!" repeated Mr. Tarbill.

The train was about to leave: the porters were shouting: he hastened to his compartment: his foot was on the mounting board: it might have been nailed there, for the moment!... A young woman was seated in the further corner. She had lowered her window, and, with head out, was either saying good-bye to someone or was watching the comings and goings of the station.

"The steps looked so many and so rickety, and I was all alone. Here's a peso for you. We'll be aboard about six." She laughed again. "What a bright light to shine upon a man!" Bedient thought, as he covered his bleeding finger with a handkerchief, to avoid leaving a trail in the spotless cabin. He moved forward toward the right compartment, unsteadily; then entered and closed the door.

What she would herself have done Sally had no time to consider; for they were hurried to their compartment and were locked in by the obliging and amused guard. They then sat demurely upon opposite sides of the carriage until the train began to move. Every time anybody peered in at the window Sally, who had recovered her good spirits, began to laugh; and Gaga was full of consternation.

This is the most fatuous adventure that can well happen to a writer venturing his soul among criticisms. It can do one no harm, of course, but it is disagreeable. It is disagreeable in the same way as discovering a three-card-trick man among a decent lot of folk in a third-class compartment.

Certainly the Princess turned again and looked at her, while she did not fail to glance swiftly at the misshapen figure visible only in profile. "Not so loud, Felix," murmured Joan. "Come to my compartment when you have smoked a cigarette. By that time I shall have recovered my wits, and I may be able to decide what to do for the best." "Wrong again!" he laughed.