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He could be exceedingly clever in his comparisons, and I used then to think in this, as in much of the strong-willed expression of his face when he talked, that I recognised Susanna's nature.

He did it with all the desire of his soul. When a man shall not only design me a purse of gold, but shall venture his life to bring it to me, this is grace indeed. But, alas, what are a thousand such short comparisons to the unsearchable love of Christ? Christ Jesus has bags of mercy that were never yet broken up or unsealed.

Arkansaw it seems a little indelicate to be trumpeting forth our own superiorities, and comparisons are always odious, but still Arkansaw would certainly have hanged Baker. I do not say she would have tried him first, but she would have hanged him, anyway. Even the most degraded woman can walk our streets unmolested, her sex and her weakness being her sufficient protection.

The two Princesses placed nearest to her, and who were the first to desert her, though both very much inferior in personal and mental qualifications, no doubt, though not directly, may have entertained some anticipations of her place. Such feelings are not likely to decrease the distaste, which results from comparisons to our own disadvantage.

She knew that some of the men present were noblemen, and saw that their manners, and even the tones of their voices, changed when they addressed her. From the secluded life she had led, this girl was incapable of making quick comparisons. She only knew that none of these men possessed the gentle tenderness or the proud bearing of the teacher, who had become to her a beau-ideal of true manhood.

In this way the soul comes to each encounter with a lovely freshness and purity, and neither makes comparisons nor curious comments, but gives herself wholly to love.

Then, too, he was now in misfortune, and when has that failed to soften even the softness of a woman's heart? It was impossible that she should not make comparisons, comparisons that were so distasteful to her; impossible, also, that she should not accuse herself of some falseness to that first lover.

I will not draw any comparisons between a good dinner party in the two countries; I have heard American gentlemen say, that they could perceive no difference between them; but in speaking of general manners, I may observe, that it is rarely they dine in society, except in taverns and boarding houses.

Comparisons would occur regrets would arise; and her joy, though sincere as her love for her sister, was of a kind to give her neither spirits nor language. But Elinor how are her feelings to be described?

He was always happy with his comparisons, and particularly when he likened her skin to the bloomy olive pallor of a young peach. The independent stride was distinguishingly American. Ah, the charm of these women who are my countrywomen! They come, they go, alone, unattended, courageous without being bold, self-reliant without being rude; inimitable.