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The Soldiers had come down in force, wearing sashes on which the words, 'God bless The General, 'Welcome, and other devices had been worked. The police had come too. There were 200 of them some mounted and some on foot. Our people had been formed into an avenue down which I passed to an open space. Every face wore a smile, but there was comparative silence.

There comes a time after his first baptism of fire, after his first view of the shattered mutilated remnants of a shell-stricken body, that the infantryman turns towards where invisible German guns from comparative safety belch forth death, and shakes his impotent fist at this enemy.

"But you don't know me," she put in quickly. I saw how near I had come to self-betrayal and tried to fend my little life-raft off the rocks. "You will say that we have met only once before to-night, and then only casually. Will you permit a comparative stranger to say that that was enough? Your soul looks out through your eyes, Miss Everton, and it is an exceedingly honest soul.

Is your brother named Eric?" "Yes; I told you, did I not, that we are twins? The physical resemblance between us is very strong; no doubt our voices sound alike also, or would to a comparative stranger. Will you not be seated, Major?

But if they would only pause to consider, surely they might lay to their souls the unction that the immediate reward of the actor in his lifetime is merely nature's compensation to him for the comparative oblivion of his achievements when he has ceased to be. Imagine for one moment Shakespeare and Garrick contemplating at the present moment from the heights the spectacle of their fame.

The imposition of such trifles under such fearful threats was the very bitterness of spiritual pride and vindictiveness; after the law passed by which things became as they now are, it was a mere question of expediency for the National Church to determine in relation to its own comparative interests. If the Church chose unluckily, the injury has been to itself alone.

It is nearly two years now since Baker was killed. He was found gassed in a dug-out on Hill 60, and by his side lay his servant, who had died in the attempt to drag him out to the comparative safety of the open trench.

It exists, in the last analysis, only by its comparative relation to other things. It is certain that a child ten years old would seem very large if he were five feet high, whereas a man of that stature is considered a dwarf. Among Oriental races a woman is generally classed as a blonde whose hair is not absolutely black.

At this point therefore the modern law of Western and Southern Europe begins to be distinguished by one of its chief characteristics, the comparative freedom it allows to unmarried women and widows, the heavy disabilities it imposes on wives. It was very long before the subordination entailed on the other sex by marriage was sensibly diminished.

We could see no more in the comparative darkness of that place, save that beneath the folds of the drapery the Oracle held in its hand a loop-shaped, jewelled sceptre. Moved by some impulse, we did as Oros had done, prostrating ourselves, and there remained upon our knees.