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I marveled at my companion's ingenuity, whereupon he laughed airily, replying: "When 'The Golden Face' arranges a coup it never fails to come off I assure you. The police have to be up very early to get the better of him. His one injunction to all of us is that we shall be ready at all times to show clean hands as we have to-day! But let's get away, Hargreave back to London, I think, don't you?"

"Oh, Count, I believe it was only by accident that we commenced acquaintanceship, and only by accident, you see, do we now resume it. But I perceive that I intrude on your solitude. Farewell, Count, and a pleasant night at your inn." "Not so fast, Sir," said I, laying firm hand on my companion's shoulder, "I know you now, and I thank Providence that I have found you.

Periods when his companion's toil-hardened hands stroked the sleek sides and sinewy flanks that no longer hinted of insufficient nourishment; and caressing fingers lingered over the smooth and shining coat that had once been so rough and ragged.

When they had passed out of the light of the lamps into the shade he took his young companion's slender hand-thankful that the darkness concealed his features and pressed the delicate fingers to his lips. "Oh! Orion!" she exclaimed shyly, but she did not resist. "I only claim my due, sunshine of my soul!" he said insinuatingly. "If your heart beat as loud as mine, our mothers might hear them!"

Rosemary sat in silence for a few moments, taking in the full meaning of her companion's answer to her last question. He had forgotten that Angel was Angel! Though she was warmly wrapped in a soft rug of silvery fur, a chill crept into her heart. Could it be that Nurse's words about father had been true, after all; and if they were, was she doing harm, rather than good, in bringing him home?

Aleck raised the lanthorn to bring its dim light full upon his companion's face, gazing at him hard as if in doubt of his sanity. For the words were spoken as calmly and coolly as if he had been proposing some ordinary jump into clear water at a bathing-place.

Evander, who had seated himself and had been tracing cabalistic signs on the grass with his staff, looked up into his companion's face. "Are not you rather a queer kind of Cavalier," he asked, "if you think that a Puritan must needs be a fool?"

"Cling to the boat," he shouted loudly, for the falling water rang in his ears with a deafening roar. As he spoke, the frail craft capsized, and its occupants were plunged into the foaming, churning water. Leroy made a frantic grasp at his companion's dress, but missed it. A second later, he saw, in the midst of the foam, her slight form being carried down to the weir.

That will give us a larger apartment. Mrs. Marcy is an old acquaintance of mine, and will give you a welcome." Rodney was glad to accept his companion's proposal. They proceeded at once to the boarding house, and fortunately found a good room vacant on the third floor. Mr. Woods went out in the evening to make a call, but Rodney was glad to go to bed at nine o'clock.

Low on the horizon the clouds lay in purple waves, deepening and darkening into brown. "Mary," said Lucy Eastman, in a low tone, laying her hand on her companion's arm, "it's just the way it looked when we came the first time of all; do you remember?" "Remember? It's as if it were yesterday! Oh, Lucy, I don't know about a new heaven, but I'm glad, I'm glad it isn't a 'new earth' quite yet!"