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She might have been tossing him ordinary commonplaces from the surface of a detached mind "making a spectacle of yourself," she explained; "but you're making a perfect spectacle of your wife as well and in public. That is not your right at all." Keith sprang to his feet, furious. "You are meddling with what is really my own business, madam," said he.

When Besant's School of Literature is founded, there will be Invert the following commonplaces humorously: Honesty is the best policy. The cup that cheers but not inebriates. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Like a child in its mother's arms. Inversion may be applied, you see, both to ideas and to phrases.

"Perhaps not, but we may have such a long spell of it that everything is drowned. 'It's a long lane, says the proverb, 'that has no turn; but a man be done up long before he gets to the turning place." The other replied by some of the usual commonplaces by which, in condescending language, the gamester provoked and stimulates his unconscious victim.

A consciousness stood in the room between them, and their commonplaces about the picturesqueness of the bazaar rode on long absorbed regards, one reading, the other anxious to read; yet the encounter was so conventionally creditable to them both that they might have smiled past each other under any circumstances next day and acknowledged no demand for more than the smile.

Their speech concerning Lady Camper was an exchange of commonplaces over her loneliness: and this condition of hers was the more perplexing to General Ople on his hearing from his daughter that the lady was very fine-looking, and not so very old, as he had fancied eccentric ladies must be. The rector's account of her, too, excited the mind.

After a few commonplaces, he was invited by the Duke to state what special purpose had brought him to Bruges. "There is a book printed at Antwerp," said Dale, "and set forth by a fugitive from England, who calleth himself a cardinal." Upon this the Duke began diligently to listen.

The homely test by which he would determine that the maiden should be pointed out to him, the glimpse of old-world ways at the well, the gracious courtesy of the fair damsel, and the simple devoutness of the speaker, who recognises in what to others were trivial commonplaces God's guidance to the end which He had appointed, his recognition of the divine hand moving beneath all the nothings and littlenesses of daily life may teach us much.

An exploration is always bringing something new to light among the commonplaces of ginghams and working shirts, and canned goods and stationery, and the other thousands of civilized drearinesses to found in every country store. From under the counter you drag out a mink skin or so; from the dark corner an assortment of steel traps.

He sent her to do her work, put fresh tapers in the place of those that had burnt out, and then he looked at his mother, revolving in his brain those apparently profound thoughts, those religious and philosophical commonplaces which trouble people of mediocre intelligence in the presence of death. But, as his wife was calling him, he went downstairs.

As had been proposed, he withdrew, however, and the lover being left in the drawing-room with Miss Clinton began, with a simper that was rather coxcombical, to make allusions to the weather, but in such a way as if there was some deep but delightful meaning veiled under his commonplaces. At length he came directly to the 'point.