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"'Your captain is as great a fool as yourself, said he; 'he need not have gone to prison unless he liked. "'That was a matter of taste on his part, Mr. Commissary, but is a matter of duty on mine," "This bar is nearly through," whispered the missionary. "There is no time to be lost," said the captain; "the warder will be round in a quarter of an hour."

My aide Lieutenant Conine was appointed colonel of one of the new colored regiments, and went with it to Virginia. Major Bascom, my adjutant-general, Major Treat, my commissary, and Lieutenant Theodore Cox, my aide-de-camp, were ordered to accompany me, and were all that remained of my old staff.

The general became a common soldier, the prefect became a commissary of police, the commissary of police became a police spy. The commissary of police at Valenciennes himself superintended the inspection of passports. For nothing in the world would he have deputed this important office to a subordinate inspector.

Now it looked like a canvas village when first seen through the willows, for there was a dining tent connected with the cook tent by a fly, and near it a commissary tent where were heaped supplies, saddles, harness and all that it was needful to keep under shelter, while around the tents was a semicircle of sheep wagons.

The fact that I showed a letter from Von Bernstorff and explained that I was known in the Foreign Office in Berlin made no impression whatsoever. The officer said that if the owner was dead, the helmet could not even go to his family. It was government property and should return, therefore, to the commissary department. At all events, it must not leave the Empire.

The quartermaster's and commissary departments were his never-ceasing care, and he gave constant personal attention to both. On the matter of assessments he says: "You perceive I do not propose to seize the ordinary State or city revenue, as that, in my judgment, would be to make war on civilization, as no community can escape absolute anarchy without civil government.

In the blackness he stretched out his hand, and ran it over a stack of tin cans. Detroit Jim had been mighty clever! Canned food from the storehouse, enough to last perhaps two weeks! Detroit Jim had had a storehouse job. Twice a day, during the last ten days, the wiry little ferret-faced second-story man had got away with at least one can from the prison commissary.

Y.J. Pope, Newberry, formerly Orderly Sergeant of Company E, made Adjutant. G.W. Shell, Laurens, Quartermaster. J.N. Martin and R.N. Lowrance, Commissary. Ed. Hicks, of Laurens, Sergeant Major. All staff officers are appointed or recommended for appointment by the Colonel of the regiment.

No? Then I bid you a vehy good morning, gentlemen, and hope to see you lateh." And he swung up to the steps of the private car. Half an hour afterward, the snow still whirling dismally, Winton and Adams were cowering over a handful of hissing embers, drinking their commissary coffee and munching the camp cook's poor excuse for a breakfast.

One of the papers expressed it in an article, the key note of which was: "Thank God that Richmond is at last rid of old Winder. God have mercy upon those to whom he has been sent." Remorseless and cruel as his conduct of the office of Provost Marshal General was, it gave little hint of the extent to which he would go in that of Commissary General of Prisoners.