United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The worms are in the charge of scholars, whose names appear on the various racks under their charge, and the fact that feeding takes place every two hours, day and night, is sufficient testimony that the boys go into their work with commendable energy.

Ned, however, was strictly impartial, and declined, with most commendable virtue, to recognize the signal, until he saw whether Mrs. Mulroony did not understand "generosity" as well as Mr. Gray. "Misther Gray, I'll thank you to button your lip, if you plaise. It's all very right, I suppose; but in the manetime let daicent Mrs. Mulroony tell her own story. How is it, ma'am?"

To a certain extent this need of change and cheerful recreation is supplied in connection with some of the mission chapels, and the effort is good and most commendable as far as it goes; but as yet the family had formed no church relations. Mildred, Belle, and occasionally Mrs. Jocelyn had attended Sabbath service in the neighborhood.

But, though he had moved with such commendable promptness, Grant was not nearly so confident as his actions seemed to imply. In fact, before he reached his destination, he heartily wished himself back again, and by the time he arrived at the point where the enemy was expected his nerves were completely unstrung.

It would be enjoyable to those who give as well as to those who receive, and would have great educational as well as social value. It would bind together both young and old of the community. Occasions like these would also conduce to the good-roads movement so commendable and important throughout the country.

Not satisfied with this piece of reconnoitering which he effected with much tipsy gravity, but probably without deriving any information likely to be of value to the commanding general he then proceeded to charge in person a distant battery. The deed was not commendable in a military point of view.

Yes, he could not wholly dismiss her from his mind; he must still say, "This she did for me this thing, in itself not commendable, she did for me; and I took it for my country." Her eyes were open, and her garden had been invaded by those revolutionaries of life and time, Nemesis, Penalty, Remorse. They marauded every sacred and secret corner of her mind and soul.

"It makes one wonder what she's thinking of. Beautiful, commendable things that's what it seems to say." "What can I be thinking of but the tremendous wisdom of my mother?" Miriam returned. "I brought her this morning to see that thing she had only seen it in its earliest stage and not to presume to advise you about anything else you may be so good as to embark on.

"You acted then, Poll, with great and commendable discretion, which you will please to remember I did not overlook." "No," said Poll, "you behaved decently enough."

"I can tell you what I think," said Jack, quietly, "and furnish you with articles on different subjects. I would like to earn all the money I can as I am paying for my education out of my own pocket." "H'm! very commendable spirit," snapped the other. "Is that your case, Mr. Percival?" "No, I cannot say that it is. However, I am anxious to see how Jack makes out as a writer of editorials. Let Mr.