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We'll look after these fellows. Commander-in-Chief's orders: Concentrate on Chilham, Canterbury and Dover." "That's all right," said Erskine to himself, as he read the signals. "Beresford's got them comfortably settled already, and he's sending someone to help here. Well, I think we've done our share and we'd better get along to Dover and London."

Then he paused for a moment, and continued, "How I envy him!" And as though the spirits of the two men were in communion with each other, Collingwood, knowing that the Commander-in-Chief's eager eye was fixed upon him in fond admiration, called out to the flag-captain near him, "Rotherham, what would Nelson give to be here?"

Saumarez knew this when he made up his mind to propose to the elder Miss Copleigh. Saumarez was a strange man, with few merits, so far as men could see, though he was popular with women, and carried enough conceit to stock a Viceroy's Council and leave a little over for the Commander-in-Chief's Staff. He was a Civilian.

It was not their Commander-in-Chief's skill that saved them, not his habit of taking into account all possible eventualities no, they had to thank the disobedience of our burghers for the fact that they were not all starved to death in Pretoria.

"Tell his honor to wake up; we're in Cork now." "In Cork! Impossible, already!" "Faith, may be so; but it's Cork, sure enough." "Drive to the 'George. It's not far from the commander-in-chief's quarters." "'Tis five minutes' walk, sir. You'll be there before they're put to again." "Horses for Fermoy!" shouted out the postilions, as we tore up to the door in a gallop.

Wessington spoke and I walked with her from the Sanjowlie road to the turning below the Commander-in-Chief's house as I might walk by the side of any living woman's 'rickshaw, deep in conversation. The second and most tormenting of my moods of sickness had suddenly laid hold upon me, and like the Prince in Tennyson's poem, "I seemed to move amid a world of ghosts."

The marshal's popularity in his command was no longer what it had been. The intrigues carried on both in France and in Mexico, with the purpose of setting up General Douay in his place, had resulted in ill feeling that had been turned to account by the Mexican Imperialists. There were those in the army who did not fear to impute unworthy motives to the commander-in-chief's actions.

They have had their day, and most of them are fit now only for fancy-balls and old-clothes' shops. Nothing is so short-lived as a good uniform; it varies with the taste of a commander-in-chief, or a commander-in-chief's toady; or the fancy of some royal favourite.

The very next day I was ordered to the coast of Syria: just what I wanted, i.e., to be out of the commander-in-chief's way, and to have some good shooting. On receiving my rank as post-captain, I found myself shelved, as it were, for four years, while waiting my turn for a command. This was according to the rules of the navy, so there was no getting out of it. What was I to do?

This ship, having more room, had easily luffed to windward of the Plantagenet, simply letting go her bowlines, as her bows doubled on the admiral's stern, in order to check her way. "How do you do to-day, Sir Gervaise?" called out Lord Morganic, without waiting for the commander-in-chief's hail "allow me to congratulate you, sir, on the exploits of this glorious day!"