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There you see the long line of land, covered with vegetation cocoa-nut trees and you have the sea upon the inner and outer sides, with a vessel very comfortably riding at anchor. That is one of the remarkable forms of reef in the Pacific. Another is a sort of half-way house, between the atoll and the fringing reef; it is what is called an "encircling reef."

If I absolutely had to endure it, of course I could. But we are not put to that necessity." "Necessity! Good Heaven, don't we live poorly enough?" "We live comfortably enough. As long as Dick insists on making us our present allowance " "Insists? I should think he would insist!

So, taking all these points into consideration, my office life was not a happy one, though, if matters had been arranged more comfortably for me, touching the future, I would have cheerfully put up with more temporary annoyances than I actually suffered, slaving on indefinitely under Smudge's rule. As it was, I couldn't.

It is natural that, after the epic poet has arrived, the crude epic material in which he worked should scarcely be heard of. It could only be handed on by the minstrels themselves; and their audiences would not be likely to listen comfortably to the old piecemeal songs after they had heard the familiar events fall into the magnificent ordered pomp of the genuine epic poet.

I foolishly gave it to him, but re-entering some time after, and comfortably seating myself in the parquet, I was electrified by hearing my name called from the gallery with the addition of a playful adjective. It was the vulgar little boy. During the performance he projected spirally-twisted playbills in my direction, and indulged in a running commentary on the supernumeraries as they entered.

Lie still a minute till I get this fastened, and you can sit up and watch the rat hole while I get you some clothes." In another moment or so the young man was propped up against an empty ore "bucket," his shoulder bound, and his hand slung comfortably in a sling from his neck. "There you are," said Jim cheerily. "Now you take my six-shooter and watch that aggregation till I get back.

I found that it was not at all astonishing that father had lost all the fortune that my mother had left him and me when she died three years ago. It was astonishing that the old dreamer had kept it as long as he had, and it was only because most of it had been in land and he had from the first lived serenely and comfortably on nice flat slices of town property cut off whenever he needed it.

"Now we can have all the provisions we want, and clothing and guns, and if we can anchor the wreck in some way, we can live on her just as comfortably as in a house at home." The excited talking brought the girls out one after another, and they were equally pleased over the stroke of good fortune. "She seems to be cast up pretty high on the sand," said old Jerry.

We marched at quick time, feeling pretty mad that we had to go to the rear, when the rest of our Division were going into Atlanta. "We passed the Sixteenth Corps lying on their arms, back in some open fields, and the wagon trains of our Corps all comfortably corralled, and finally found ourselves out by the Seventeenth Corps headquarters.

Pixie drove home in state, so puffed up with her own importance that it was a distinct blow to find the curtains comfortably drawn, and hear the echo of laughter from the drawing-room.