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It has been stated in the last chapter that the filling of the tubes was, from motives of parsimony, entrusted to Spanish prisoners, who, as was found on examination, had embraced every opportunity of inserting handfulls of sand, sawdust, and even manure, at intervals in the tubes, thus impeding the progress of combustion, whilst in the majority of instances they had so thoroughly mixed the neutralizing matter with the ingredients supplied, that the charge would not ignite at all, the result being complete failure in the object of the expedition.

The violet luminosity, with its writhing serpents of flame, was followed in a second or two by a thousand points of light as the town took fire, followed, almost instantaneously, by a burst of light of every color in the spectrum, as a thousand substances leaped into combustion, and then, in a moment Night! An impenetrable cloud of smoke and ash absolutely blotted out the sun. The sky was covered.

All of Uncle Macquart was there, in this handful of fine ashes; and he was in the red cloud, also, which floated through the open window; in the layer of soot which carpeted the entire kitchen; the horrible grease of burnt flesh, enveloping everything, sticky and foul to the touch. It was the finest case of spontaneous combustion physician had ever seen.

"Yes, an eruption!" answered Barbicane, who studied the phenomenon carefully through his night-glass. "What should it be if not a volcano?" "But then," said Michel Ardan, "air is necessary to feed that combustion, therefore there is some atmosphere on that part of the moon." "Perhaps so," answered Barbicane, "but not necessarily.

All life involves combustion. According to the greater or the lesser activity of the fire on its hearth is life more or less enduring. In like manner, the destruction of mineral bodies is indefinitely retarded, because in their case combustion is nominal, latent, or imperceptible.

While the principle by which the balloon, father of the dirigible, soars and floats could be deduced by men of natural powers of observation and little science from the action of clouds and smoke, the airplane, the Winged Victory of our day, waited upon two things the scientific analysis of the anatomy of bird wings and the internal combustion engine.

Reduction in weight, amounting to one-half with the better classes. Reduction in bulk; for petroleum amounting to about thirty-six per cent., and with the gases, depending on the amount of compression. Ease of kindling and extinguishing fires, and of regulation of temperature. Almost perfect combustion and cleanliness.

She was off. With a far, fixed gaze and her mind in a state of internal combustion, she seemed a thousand miles away from Phyl and her affairs, fighting the battles of Ireland. Phyl gathered the impression that, if she went to America Mrs. She escaped, carrying this impression with her, went upstairs, dressed, and then started off for Mr. Hennessey's office.

It was the coming of the internal combustion engine that rendered flight practicable, and had this prime mover been available in John Stringfellow's day the Wright brothers' achievement might have been antedated by half a century.

According to the phlogistic theory, the part remaining after a substance was burned was simply the original substance deprived of phlogiston. To restore the original combustible substance, it was necessary to heat the residue of the combustion with something that burned easily, so that the freed phlogiston might again combine with the ashes.