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The oak's flowers and its exquisite unfolding of young foliage combine in one effect, and it is an effect so beautiful that one easily fails to separate its parts, or to see which of the mass of soft pink, gray, yellow and green is bloom and which of it is leafage. Take the pin-oak, for instance, and note the softness of the greenery above its flowers.

In case this idea should be introduced into England, I have drawn up a few specimen advertisements which, in my opinion, combine attractiveness with a shrinking modesty at which no censor could cavil." And in spite of our protests, he began to read us his first effort, descriptive of a patent medicine.

And by and by he perceived that the deep crimson hue was departing, not fading; we cannot say that, because of the prodigious lustre which still pervaded it, and was not less strong than ever; but certainly the hue became fainter, now a rose-color, now fainter, fainter still, till there was only left the purest whiteness of the moon itself; a change that somewhat disappointed and grieved Septimius, though still it seemed fit that the water of life should be of no one richness, because it must combine all.

But the child who has been accustomed to sing at sight and to extemporize with the voice in front of a class is not in the least embarrassed at being told to go to the piano and combine a sung melody with a simple piano accompaniment.

Jacks says, 'Producers of good articles respect each other; producers of bad despise each other and hate their work. It may be necessary for those who recognise the right of the labourer to preserve his self-respect, to combine in order to satisfy each other's needs in resistance to the trade-unions.

It is evident that the supply of heat lost by cooling is effected by the mutual action of the elements of the food and the inspired oxygen, which combine together. To make use of a familiar, but not on that account a less just illustration, the animal body acts, in this respect, as a furnace, which we supply with fuel.

Gustave understands chemicals, and how to combine them; he came here, after I had lied to you about him for all that story that I told you was one great lie, told because I knew something of my power over you, and that you would probably act as you did hoping that he could here possess himself of the chemicals that were needed, and which we could not obtain without too great risk of discovery.

Ryabovitch pulled the bed-clothes over his head, curled himself up in bed, and tried to gather together the floating images in his mind and to combine them into one whole. But nothing came of it. He soon fell asleep, and his last thought was that some one had caressed him and made him happy that something extraordinary, foolish, but joyful and delightful, had come into his life.

We must, by a large and generous self-interest, combine the good, the knowledge, and the virtue of the population with our own; and we must lay the foundation of our permanent influence over this fourth of the globe, by showing that we are the fittest to communicate the benefits, and establish the example of civilized society.

Apart from the attribute of inertia, the most important characteristic of these ultimate atoms is their chemical affinity their tendency to apply themselves to one another and combine into small groups in an orderly fashion.