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In this neighbourhood I observe the honeysuckle common in our country I first met with it on the waters of the Kooskooske near the Chopunnish nation, and again below the grand rappids In the Columbian Valley on tidewater.

Alice and Mary kept the accounts and served behind the counter in the stationery shop. In a workshop at the back Simon Kettering, Mark, four journeymen and one apprentice stood "at case," whilst in the basement two antiquated printing machines rumbled on, worked by a small gas-engine. There was also a Columbian press for pulling posters and a platen machine for small work. Mr.

The Columbian Minister, too, who was charged with the protest of the Corps Diplomatique to Bismarck on account of his refusal to allow their despatches to go out, has also returned, to re-peruse Grotius and Puffendorf, in order to find more precedents with which to overwhelm Bismarck. The Greek Minister has managed to run the blockade.

Favorite Dishes is due to the fact that the noble women who have labored for the best interests of mankind and womankind, in the development of the Women's Department of the World's Columbian Exposition, found time to contribute this collection of recipes, as a means of enabling the compiler to open an additional avenue for women to provide the necessary funds to pay the expenses of a visit to the Exposition.

Miss Cassatt executed a large, decorative picture for the north tympanum of the Woman's Building at the Columbian Exhibition.

I remember that, at the moment, the thought of our singular isolation in this spot crossed my mind, and I wondered why we did not see somewhere a second Columbian Guard on duty. And now my guard passed me hurriedly, looking neither to right nor left, and I crept forward across the grass and under the trees.

I now write lying on the grass with my gun cocked beside me, and penning these lines by the light of my Columbian candle, namely, an ignited piece of rosin-wood. Douglas named this magnificent species Pinus Lambertiana, in honor of his friend Dr. Lambert, of London.

On landing, the officials were very courteous, and gave Captain Hall and his party no trouble when it was learned that that "Hallena" brought travelers only. The Genoese are very proud of their city and its past history, and they are courteous to Americans, especially so since the Columbian World's Fair.

<b>EMMET, LYDIA FIELD.</b> Medal at Columbian Exhibition, Chicago, 1893; medal at Atlanta Exhibition, 1895; honorable mention at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Member of the Art Students' League and Art Workers' Club for Women. Born at New Rochelle, New York.

In another minute he would 'a' grabbed your money and run for it. There was a sudden movement, a shifting of positions, a mingling of exclamations and accusations, with the woman's tongue still wagging shrilly, and heard through all. People crowded about us and a brace of Columbian guards came hurrying up. 'What is it? 'Anyone been robbed?