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"I should be ashamed to collect my winnings." This seemed to amuse them both, for they both laughed. "Father," said Miss Colton, "I am afraid you don't learn by experience. You have lost one bet already, you know." "That's so. And I haven't paid it yet, either. I must, or you'll be telling every one that I am a poor sport.

I wished now that I had gone over to the Colton place when I first received the summons to court, instead of making proclamations of defiance to mother and Lute Rogers. This seemed such a complete backdown. As we passed the house I saw Lute peering from the barn. I devoutly hoped he might not see me, but he did. His mouth opened and he stared. Then, catching my eye, he winked triumphantly.

But you was figurin' on pluggin' me." He walked close to the man and stuck his face close to the other, his lips in a straight line. He knew Colton to be one of the most conscienceless "killers" in the section of the country near Tombstone. "Who was you lookin' for, then?" demanded Sanderson. "Not you that's a cinch!" grinned the other, fidgeting nervously under Sanderson's gaze.

Rose was a young woman of fashion and her whole aspect seemed to repudiate any closeness of tie between herself and Mary, who passed her time in caring for General Colton, her invalid father, attending committees, and, as a diversion, going to "sewing-circles" and symphony concerts; but she was fonder of Mary than of any one else in the world.

The other three climbed into Judge Leslie's surrey and departed, Colton remarking, apologetically, and somewhat wistfully: "She's dining at the judge's and won't miss me: I never leave her alone. I'll get back in time to take her home." Mariana cooked the ducks with the skill of the unsung chef she was, and enhanced them with other delicacies for which she alone had a name.

Say, Ros, she's a good deal of a girl, that Colton one, did you know it?" I did not answer. "Oh, I know you're down on the whole lot of 'em," he added, laughing; "but she is, just the same. Kind of top-lofty and condescending, but that's the fault of her bringing-up. She's all right underneath. Too good for that Carver cub.

He did not go inside the building, merely looking in through one of the windows, and seeing a few men in there, playing cards in a listless manner. He did not see Colton. He looked into several other windows. Colton was nowhere to be seen. In several places Dale inquired about him. No one had seen Colton that day. No one said anything to Dale about what had happened. Perhaps they thought he knew.

The music started but she shook her head as he would have led her to the floor. "Sit down. I want to talk with you. Long time no see 'um after to-night," she said. "It'll be daylight soon and I've a long tale to tell." As the others danced she gave him a dozen messages to impart to various friends. "Tell Judge Colton that Three Bar stock is rising," she said.

Colton," he said, "I wanted to ask you about them skylights." I stepped back out of hearing, but I inferred from Colton's actions that the question was another one of the "unnecessary" ones he had so scornfully referred to in the boathouse. "Jackass!" he exclaimed, as he rejoined me. I judged he was classifying Asa, but, if so, he did not trouble to lower his voice.

Sure big advance opening and more follow. What shall I do? Why do not you answer private telegraph line? Telephone out order. Wire instructions immediately. Better still come yourself. Davis." "Is that all?" asked Miss Colton. "What answer shall we make?" "Wait. Wait, please, until I dig some sort of sense out of all this. 'Wise situation' " "Wise TO situation, I presume that means.