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Then Colton would have won, have won on a "bluff." A good bluff did sometimes win. I wondered . . . I was still pacing the floor when Miss Colton returned to the library. She was trying hard to appear calm, but I could see that she was greatly agitated. "What is it?" I asked. "Is he " "He is not as well just now. I I must not leave him or Mother.

Then he turned to me. "See here," he said; "this lady and I have an appointment. We must get ashore. Go straight in. If you're afraid I'll take the risk. If there is any danger I'll pay for that, too." There was no question of risk. It was a certainty. I knew that channel. "We can't cross here," I said, shortly. "Why, confound you " "Victor!" cautioned Miss Colton. "Hush, Mabel!

So far as I can see, this immediate citizenship has effected two results only: I am now in a position to take advantage of any political change that may develop, instead of sowing for another to reap and " He hesitated, and Colton shot him a keen glance. "It has made a change in you, I guess. I noticed that the minute I laid eyes on you. If anything was needed to make me madder, it was that."

The group of men so desperately interested in the municipal affairs of the city disliked and distrusted Colton; but Mrs. Leslie had been born on Rincon Hill, and all doors, old and new, were open to her daughter. Isabel caught a glimpse of Anabel among the dancers, in a gown of primrose satin almost the color of her hair, and a little diamond tiara made from some old stones of her mother's.

"The State, you know, has offered a small reward; the Colossus Company is to pay twenty thousand dollars, and the remainder will be paid by the Colton estate." "Who constitutes the Colton estate?" "Brooks, mainly." Richmond put his hand to his mouth. "That's what I thought," said he. "Do you know Brooks very well?" he asked after a short silence. "Not very." "What do you think of him?"

It was not too late yet, I could telegraph Davis The telephone on the desk not the public, the local, 'phone, but the other, Colton's private wire to New York rang. I picked up the receiver. "Hello-o! Hello-o!" a faint voice was calling. "Is this Colton's house at Denboro? . . . Yes, this is Davis. . . . The wire is all right now. . . . Is this Mr. Colton speaking?" "No," I answered, "Mr.

Their minister advised his people to be very careful in word and deed, so as not to give the least occasion for misconstruing their motives. Some of the white people said it ought not to be allowed. They feared an "uprising," but our soldiers said they should have the privilege. I visited Howard Grove Hospital, under the charge of Miss Marcia Colton, matron.

"You might call it that. Is this a part of the business you wished to see me about, Mr. Colton?" I was boiling inwardly and a little of the heat was expressed in my tone. I don't know whether he took the hint or merely lost interest in the subject. At any rate his reply was a brief "No," and we continued our walk. As we reached the Shore Lane he paused again, and I thought he was about to speak.

Have you been motoring much of late, Miss Colton?" "Yes. Tell me, please: You really like your work?" "Yes, I do." "Then I will answer your question. I am not a bit sorry. I am glad I was impertinent and intrusive, especially now that I have apologized and you have accepted the apology. I am very glad I told you you should do something worth while."

Colton was "in debilitated health," whatever that is, and had been commanded by her doctors to seek sea air and seclusion and rest. Well, there was sea air and rest, not to mention seclusion or sand and mosquitoes, for a square mile about the new villa, and no one knew that better than I, condemned to live within the square. But if Mrs.