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But for one instant Felix was able to catch Madeline alone in the breakfast-parlour. "Miss Staveley," said he, "will it be possible that I should speak to you alone this evening; for five minutes?" "Speak to me alone?" she said, repeating his words; and as she did so she was conscious that her whole face had become suffused with colour. "Is it too much to ask?" "Oh, no!"

Except for the absence of deep colour and bright colour, what can be more beautiful than these green waves and that dark forest's edge, and the garden of an island! The yachting-water here is an unrivalled lake; and if I miss colour, which I love, I remind myself that we have temperate air here, not a sun that fiends you under cover.

Blue also is too frequently used: it is not merely a dangerous colour to wear by gaslight, but it is really difficult in England to get a thoroughly good blue. The fine Chinese blue, which we all so much admire, takes two years to dye, and the English public will not wait so long for a colour.

The twigs are sometimes from eight to ten feet long, so deep do these insects bury themselves in the ground. Mr. Browne communicated with a tribe of natives, one of whom, a very tall woman, as well as her child, was of a copper colour. From the information he gave me of the neighbourhood of Cawndilla, I determined, on the return of Mr.

Outside, it seemed originally stained of a green colour, which, here and there, was now changed into a dingy purple. The prow terminated in a high, blunt beak; both sides were covered with carving; and upon the stern, was something which Long Ghost maintained to be the arms of the royal House of Pomaree.

The two others moved a little nearer. "I arrest you in the King's name," said the first. Morris was putting on a light coat as he came across the pavement. One arm was in, the other out. He stopped dead; and the bright colour of his face slowly faded, leaving a sort of ashen gray behind. His mouth suddenly went dry, and it was only at the third attempt to speak that words came.

In the University of Leeds a department in colour chemistry and dyeing has been established, to make researches and to give special facilities to firms entering the industry, all in the national interest. A huge, subsidised mother concern, known as British Dyes, Limited, has been formed, and it will take the place of the great dye trust of Germany, in which the government was a partner.

Ashurst stared, and the colour rose to his brow. "Messieurs," said Mr Leigh, turning to the French officers, "I beg to introduce this young gentleman to you.

"Here is Thorstan Ericsson coming. Will you not see him?" "Nay, nay, not yet," was Thore's answer. Then there came a day when, being very ill, and nearly blind with fever, Thore asked to see Thorstan. So Gudrid opened the door to him, and her colour came back to her when she said, "Thore has asked for you. Come in, then." Thorstan, glowing in his health and strength, came into the hall.

The general bright green colour of the brushwood and other plants, viewed from a distance, seemed to promise fertility. A single walk, however, was enough to dispel such an illusion; and he who thinks with me will never wish to walk again in so uninviting a country.