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Small details which, when he had first caught sight of her, distance had hidden from his view, now presented themselves. Her eyes, he discovered, which he had supposed brown, were only brown in their general colour-scheme.

Above it and two fellow-sheets of glittering transparency, three coats of many quarterings enriched the colour-scheme of the stately room. She watched him with the beginning of a smile upon her lips. The humour of the situation appealed to her. "I like an open window," she remarked mildly. "If you remember, I always did."

The mental body is built of matter of the four lower subdivisions of the mental world, and expresses the concrete thoughts of the man. Here also we find the same colour-scheme as in the causal body. The hues are somewhat less delicate, and we notice one or two additions. For example, a thought of pride shows itself as orange, while irritability is manifested by a brilliant scarlet.

Geoffry was asking. "I thought it was the poppies you wanted," said May, suspiciously. "It is! it is!" cried Kenwick with fervour. "But you make such a pretty setting," Daymond explained; "your dress, you know, and the general colour-scheme." "What fun to be a colour-scheme," cried May. "Uncle Dan, do you think I might be a colour-scheme?"

Could we but see ourselves in this colour-scheme we should realise that, like God's fresh air, all should be clear and bright, but we ourselves pollute the design with the smoke of our own desires.

One could almost have sworn that a pearl-grey smile adorned the scarce-shut mouth of the beautiful modern product of education and civilization, to carry on the so well-devised colour-scheme to the pearly-grey grey-ribboned soft hat. Of course! To the passer-by, awe-inspired, admiring, stimulated, would then have been administered the double shock and edification.

You would have liked her, everybody did, yet you would have thought that nature had failed in self-confidence for once, she was so pointedly designed to express the ancient dame's colour-scheme, even to the delicate auriferous down on her youthful cheek and the purse-proud look of her faintly retrousse nose; though in fact she never had had a purse and scarcely needed one.