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The captain of the guard had seen from the first that attack or defence was equally useless, and, with his men, had also given way gradually as the strange colloquy went on. Whether any of the opposing force noticed this or not, they made no attempt to recover the ground thus almost imperceptibly stolen from them, but stood as if each horse were rooted to the spot.

"It is hardly necessary," returned the young lady. "I should learn it myself, and call again. Thank you. Good-morning." And settling her veil over her face, she quietly passed out. The pain and indignation with which Randolph overheard this colloquy he could with the greatest difficulty conceal.

I heard the door-bell ring, and I heard Coates's regular tread as he proceeded along the passage. There was a brief, muttered colloquy, a rap on the study-door, and Coates entered. "A sergeant of police and a constable, sir, to see Inspector Gatton!" Damar Greefe raised his thin, yellow hand. His voice, when next he spoke, exhibited no trace of emotion. "Let them be told to wait," he said.

That silent colloquy was perhaps only the more earnest because underneath and through it all there was always the deep longing which had really determined her to come to Lowick. The longing was to see Will Ladislaw. She did not know any good that could come of their meeting: she was helpless; her hands had been tied from making up to him for any unfairness in his lot.

The boats' crews had, during this short colloquy, scrambled up the ship's side to the deck, and had gathered round the speakers, curious to see how Williams would receive the news of the loss; and it was to these that Rogers had addressed himself.

The degree to which, to begin with, she had been drawn or perhaps rather pushed- -closer to Scott was marked in the brief colloquy that she on her friend's departure had with him. He had immediately said it. "You'll see if she doesn't ask me down!" "So soon?" "Oh I've known them at places at Cannes, at Pau, at Shanghai do it sooner still. I always know when they will.

If scorn could kill the half-breed would have fallen in his tracks. "They're still quiet," remarked Macfarlane. "Too quiet," said Strange. "If they made a noise we could guess what they were up to!" The two men held a low-voiced colloquy by the door. Ambrose supposed that Strange was again offering to go out to reconnoiter. The policeman was expostulating with him.

By this time Mannering appeared, and found a tall, strong countryman, clad in a coat of pepper-and-salt-coloured mixture, with huge metal buttons, a glazed hat and boots, and a large horsewhip beneath his arm, in colloquy with a slipshod damsel, who had in one hand the lock of the door, and in the other a pail of whiting, or camstane, as it is called, mixed with water a circumstance which indicates Saturday night in Edinburgh.

"Wait a few minutes," she whispered, with a glance at her husband. "I have something to say to you before you go." She left us, and, taking Mr. Germaine by the arm, led him away to the opposite side of the room. The two held a little colloquy together in low voices. The husband closed the consultation by lifting the wife's hand to his lips. "Do as you please, my love," he said to her.

"Since you no longer insist on having me believe that you heard dogs talk," replied Peralta, "with much pleasure I will hear this colloquy, of which I augur well, since it is reported by a gentlemen of such talents as the Señor Alferez."