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There's a subject: let some one write, Fables in illustration of the irony of Fate: and I'll undertake to tack-on my grandmother's maxims for a moral to teach of 'em. We prate of that irony when we slink away from the lesson the rod we conjure. And you to talk of Fate! It's the seed we sow, individually or collectively.

If Americans were not always aware that they were rich men individually, they were at all events well instructed, by old-world visitors who came to observe them with a certain air of condescension, that collectively at least their material prosperity was a thing to be envied even by more advanced and more civilized peoples.

At any rate Nicky-Nan, because he was poor, would not call in a doctor; and, because he was proud, would not own to anything worse than a twisted knee, even when his neighbours on the Quay, putting their heads together, had shaken them collectively and decided that "the poor man must be suff'rin' from something chronic." Then followed a bitter time, as his savings dwindled.

Still, collectively, as an abstract reminder of their sex, they flavored my sordid environment with poetry THE majority of the students at the College of the City of New York was already made up of Jewish boys, mostly from the tenement-houses.

Many members of his new circle were massed in one large building whose owner had attempted to name it the Warren Block; but the artists and the rest simply called it the Warren sometimes the Burrow or the Rabbit-Hutch and referred to themselves collectively as the Bunnies.

I must also apologize for any inaccuracy in dates of which I may be guilty, though I remember collectively, so to speak, all that occurred during the unhappy twenty days which ensued between the occupation of Paris and the departure of his Majesty for the Island of Elba; for I was so completely absorbed in the unhappy condition of my good master that all my faculties hardly sufficed for the sensations I experienced every moment.

We have, however, a very audible and influential school, the Modern Imperialist school, which distinguishes its own race there is a German, a British, and an Anglo-Saxon section in the school, and a wider teaching which embraces the whole "white race" in one remarkable tolerance as the superior race, as one, indeed, superior enough to own slaves, collectively, if not individually; and the exponents of this doctrine look with a resolute, truculent, but slightly indistinct eye to a future in which all the rest of the world will be in subjection to these elect.

At San Francisco the need will continue to be awful, and there will doubtless be a crop of nervous wrecks before the weeks and months are over, but meanwhile the commonest men, simply because they are men, will go on, singly and collectively, showing this admirable fortitude of temper. At the time of the San Francisco earthquake the author was at Leland Stanford University nearby.

"ISN'T it queer how no one seems to know any one else?" remarked Grace, with more words than meaning. "You mean every one seems a stranger to every one else," added Cleo, affecting the same ambiguity. "Yes; to put it collectively, the whole town is being populated by rank 'furriners," said Louise, "but I can explain the analogy.

"So we call the triplets. Don't you see one is dressed in red, another in white, and the third in blue? Morley's idea, I believe. As though a man had any right to interest himself in such things. We call them collectively the Tricolor, and Anne Denham is the governess. Pretty? No. Artful? Yes. See how she is trying to fascinate Ware!" "That handsome young man with the fair moustache and "