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British capitalists are jealously guarding the privileges that they have collected through centuries of business and military conflict. The American capitalists are out to secure these privileges for themselves. On neither side would a military settlement of the issue be welcomed. On both sides it would be regarded as a painful necessity. War is an incident in imperialist policy.

In point of fact, it is a matter of the utmost difficulty to gather such tales in any country, as those who have collected them most successfully will be the first to confess. It is hard to make old and feeble women, who generally are the depositaries of these national treasures, believe that the inquirer can have any real interest in the matter.

When I looked to London for the peaceful Witan, what saw I? The largest armament that had been collected in this reign that armament headed by Norman knights. Was this the meeting where justice could be done mine and me? Nevertheless, what was my offer?

Miles collected Meg's parcels and suggested to the Major that it would be less tiring for his daughter if they returned first-class. Should he change the tickets? The Major thought it a sensible proposition, especially with all those parcels. Meg would pay Captain Middleton the difference. Again an amiable porter secured them an empty carriage.

Sheriff followed, and Captain Kettle, with his hands in his pockets, brought up the rear. The Krooboys, according to their orders, stayed on the beach, brought in the boat, collected her furniture, and got all ready for relaunching. White seemed to know the way as if he had been there before.

He raised her hand and just touched it with his lips, with the same grave courtesy that had marked his manner when they parted last, three years ago, and in another second Cecil was alone again. She was not long in recovering from her bewilderment; and when Mrs. Danvers returned she was perfectly collected and calm.

They passed two ragged children who had collected on their faces more dirt than seemed humanly possible, and nothing would content Joan but that she should present each with a sixpence. "Poor little devils," and her voice was very soft. "What a life to look forward to, Derek what a hideous existence. . . ." "It's all they've ever been brought up to."

Herndon locked the front one and walked away with the key in his pocket. In an hour or more the latter would return and perhaps find Lincoln calm and collected. Otherwise he went out again and waited until he was so. Then the office was opened and everything went on as usual.

Joseph Bridau grew pale as death, and collected all his strength to walk onward. "After all," he said, "I am innocent. Go on!" Poor artist! he was forced to bear his cross. Amid the hooting and insults and threats from the mob, he made the dreadful transit from the place Misere to the place Saint-Jean.

Wopsle's great-aunt may be resolved into the following synopsis. The pupils ate apples and put straws down one another's backs, until Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt collected her energies, and made an indiscriminate totter at them with a birch-rod. After receiving the charge with every mark of derision, the pupils formed in line and buzzingly passed a ragged book from hand to hand.