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He very soon began to display an utter flexibility to the desires of the two last-mentioned individuals, to the disadvantage of those who did not coincide with their views.

"Did you imply that the orbit has ceased to be a parabola?" "Just so." "Is it then an hyperbola? and are we to be carried on far and away into remote distance, and never, never to return?" "I did not say an hyperbola." "And is it not?" "It is not." "Then it must be an ellipse?" "Yes." "And does its plane coincide with the plane of the earth?" "Yes." "Then it must be a periodic comet?" "It is."

Ratcliffe; "for though I cannot hope to assuage the violent symptoms which seem so suddenly to have seized upon the company, yet I beg to observe, that so far as the opinion of a single member goes, I do not entirely coincide in the list of grievances which has been announced, and that I do utterly protest against the frantic measures which you seem disposed to adopt for removing them.

Moreover, the favorable reports on the question of supplies in Germany did not coincide in any way with our defence of the submarine campaign as an act of reprisal. This method of propaganda from home lost us our best argument. Even to-day the majority of Americans certainly have no idea how many children have been murdered by the blockade.

It is plain that the more delicate distinctions of sound were duly felt by the introducers of the alphabet, men of culture and masters of two languages; but after the national writing Became wholly detached from the Hellenic mother-alphabet, the -mediae- and their -tenues- gradually came to coincide, and the sibilants and vowels were thrown into disorder transpositions or rather destructions of sound, of which the first in particular is entirely foreign to the Greek.

Since common knowledge, which knows of them all, is itself an incipient science, we may be sure that some continuity and some congruity obtains between their provinces. Some aspect of each must coincide with some aspect of some other, else nobody who pursued any one science would so much as suspect the existence of the rest.

'I do not love such people, but hate them, says Fitzjames; and I do not want to make them happy, because I could only do so by 'pampering their vices. Here, therefore, he reaches the point at which his utilitarian and his Puritanical prepossessions coincide.

Thus would the Church at last become rigorously Catholic, and not as some theologians imagined, in their desire to make actual, incomplete facts coincide with a far wider theory, only Catholic by approximation.

I drove off to town, wholly unaware that I had been observed by anyone, much less by Emily. When she related to her father what she had seen, he either disbelieved or effected to disbelieve it, and treated it as the effect of a distempered mind the phantom of a disordered imagination; and she at length began to coincide with him. I started for the Continent a few days afterwards.

It cannot be said that Champlain was born out of his right time. His active years coincide with the most important, most exciting period in the colonial movement. At the outset Spain had gone beyond all rivals in the race for the spoils of America. The first stage was marked by unexampled and spectacular profits.