United States or Chad ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Such confidence is but the other side of our self-distrust; is the constant accompaniment of it, must have that self-distrust for its condition and prerequisite, and leads to a yet deeper and more blessed form of that self-distrust. Faith in Him and 'no confidence in the flesh' are but the two sides of the same coin, the obverse and the reverse.

Jews, as well as Christians were seized; the possession of the mutilated coin was taken as a proof of guilt; and in 1279, after a trial that occupied some months, and in which popular prejudice would doubtless make the case strong against the Jews, two hundred and eighty persons, male and female, were hanged on the same day; after which a pardon was proclaimed.

Toddles thought it over for a bit; decided he wouldn't have a fuss with a girl anyway, balked at a parlor car fracas with a drunk, dropped the coin back into his pocket, and went on into the combination baggage and express car. Here, just inside the door, was Toddles', or, rather, the News Company's chest. Toddles lifted the lid; and then his eyes shifted slowly and traveled up the car.

He recited the growing demand for gold in Europe, and explained that "France ceased coining silver because she already had in circulation as full legal-tender from $350,000,000 to $400,000,000 in that coin."

The demand for this declaratory Act arose from a desire to undo the evil which had been caused by the resolution of the Democratic party in the preceding Presidential election in favor of paying all public debts in paper, except where coin was specifically named in the law.

He's a prime seaman, whatever else he ain't. He'd a bit of gold or two in his pocket, and some silver besides the notes yes, now I come to think of it, he was remarkably flush of coin for a chap like him." "Well, you hold by the notes, Will, and don't change them afore you need. I suppose you'll be looking out for another berth now you have lost that in the 'Good Queen Anne'?"

"Paul will need some money, poor boy," said she, softly to herself, "I will give him this. It will never do me any good, and it may be of some service to him." So saying she looked carefully at the coin in the moonlight. But what made her start, and utter a half exclamation?

In these thrifty New England towns one always gets a great many pennies in change; small money is the current coin; great stress is set upon a well-worn quarter, and a dime is precious in the sight of the native. It so happened that just about the time of our arrival, the machinery of justice in and about Pittsfield was running a little wild anyway.

It’s by the temple of Bellerophon, just as you begin to enter the city.” “Good! I don’t want to ask the way. Now catch this obol and be off.” The boy snatched the flying coin and glided into the crowd. Democrates walked briskly out of the glare of the torches, then halted to slip the hood of his cloak up about his face.

"My servant will fetch the coffee as usual," said the purchaser, producing a coin from a wonderful metal-work purse. As an apparent afterthought he fired out the question: "Have you, perhaps, any quail seed?" "No," said the grocer, without hesitation, "we don't stock it." "What will he deny next?" asked Mrs. Greyes under her breath. What made it seem so much worse was the fact that Mr.