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For putting together the ideas of thinking and willing, or the power of moving or quieting corporeal motion, joined to substance, of which we have no distinct idea, we have the idea of an immaterial spirit; and by putting together the ideas of coherent solid parts, and a power of being moved joined with substance, of which likewise we have no positive idea, we have the idea of matter.

The only one of Mrs. Haywood's scandal novels that rivaled the fame of her "Memoirs of a Certain Island" was the notorious "Secret History of the Present Intrigues of the Court of Carimania" , a feigned history on a more coherent plan than the allegorical hodge-podge of the former compilation.

From inside, the tightly drawn curtains there came a variety of sounds, screams, exclamations, and grunts as of someone gasping for breath. "Be you hurt?" yelled the frantic Mr. Holt. It was the voice of the younger passenger which first made coherent reply. "No," it panted. "No, I I think I'm not hurt. But Aunt Thankful Oh, Auntie, are you " Aunt Thankful herself interrupted.

No one ever quite discovered what it was all about; but the skipper having at last become comparatively coherent in French, we put on board a prize crew in the person of the Yeoman, and let her go. For the rest of the Battalion there were no such thrills. Parades were from 6.30 to 9.30 and for a couple of hours from 4.30 p.m.

But originally perhaps intended as a mere "strategic" move, this policy succeeded in creating a labor movement which was, on fundamentals, far more coherent than the Knights of Labor even in the heyday of their glory.

Yet put this painting, the acme of technical beauty as well as of ruthless realism, at the close of the ten Passion drawings, and I venture to believe that the one coherent conception that runs through them all will legitimately find its conclusion here. Here He lies that surrendered Himself to the punishment of Sin and the penalty of Death for all men and all time.

While Jo trudged beside him, feeling as if her place had always been there, and wondering how she ever could have chosen any other lot. Of course, she was the first to speak intelligibly, I mean, for the emotional remarks which followed her impetuous "Oh, yes!" were not of a coherent or reportable character. "Friedrich, why didn't you..."

Follett began to gather twigs and sage-brush, and presently had a blaze in front of them. In the light of the fire the little man could see their faces, and he became suddenly coherent, smiling at them in the old way. "Why have you come so far in the night?" he asked Prudence, taking one of her cool hands between his own that burned. "But, you poor little father!

Certainly she had felt it there before their honeymoon was over. The four years that had passed since then had been spent or, at least, she would have said so now in waiting for the peril to present itself. And yet, had she been called on to explain why she saw it stalking through the darkness of this particular June night, she would have found it difficult to give coherent statement to her fear.

The general stampede that ensued on the publication of my wife's despatch is no fit subject for the pen of a coherent scientific writer. Suffice it to say, that in the space of twenty-four hours London was practically empty, with the exception of the freaks at Barnum's, the staff of The Undertakers' Gazette, and Mrs.