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So out through the town, past the scattering homesteads with their gardens and orchards, traveled Robin, the stout gray cob, small Will's chattering voice as high-piped as the bird-calls through the dawn; on into the open country of meadows and cultivated fields, the mists lifting rosy before the coming sun, through lanes with mossy banks, cobwebs spun between the blooming hedgerows heavy with dew, over the hills, past the straggling ash and hawthorn of the dingles.

And, sirrah, let me see thee fool handsomely speak squibs and crackers, instead of that dry, barren, musty gibing which thou hast used of late; or, by the bones! the porter shall have thee to his lodge, and cob thee with thine own wooden sword till thy skin is as motley as thy doublet.

"Why, Margaret," he said, "they're dolls." And you should have seen Kernel Cob's face as he turned to Sweetclover and said: "I don't see any woman, do you?" But Sweetclover only smiled. "Do you see the one that isn't John?" she said. "Of course," said Kernel Cob, "I'm not blind." "Well," said Sweetclover, "she's a woman." "But she's got a man's suit on," said Kernel Cob.

So, with the two dolls in his claws, he rose up from the ground with a great swoop. The sound of a rifle and a bullet ripped through Kernel Cob's hat and struck the eagle full in the breast. His wings fluttered for a minute, and then with a plunge like a ball of lead he fell to the earth. "Well, well, well!" said Kernel Cob, as they lay under the eagle, "that was a pretty close shave."

Tetel was a good strong cob, but not very fast; however, I believe he never went so well as upon that day, for, although an Abyssinian Horse, I had a pair of English spurs, which worked like missionaries.

I had seen the sheaved corn carrying in the golden fields as I came down to the river; and the rosy farmer, watching his labouring-men in the saddle on his cob, had told me how he had reaped his two hundred and sixty acres of long-strawed corn last week, and how a better week's work he had never done in all his days.

"I wonder where we are," said Sweetclover, "and who these people can be?" "They're very funny," laughed Kernel Cob, "I never saw shoes like those before. They look like boats." "They're made of wood," said Sweetclover. And just then a little Dutch girl for you have guessed that they were in Holland came over and picked them up and carried them off into her house.

There was a heavy spattering of loose earth, and a squelching of saddle-leather, as the Klopstock youth lumbered up to the rails and delivered himself of loud, cheerful greetings. Joyeuse laid his ears well back as the ungainly bay cob and his appropriately matched rider drew up beside him; his verdict was reflected and endorsed by the cold stare of Youghal's eyes.

"No," said Roger, "the park is too hot and they don't sprinkle the path as they should. I've had my cob sent up to the mountains. By the way," he added cordially, "you must come up there and ride with me." "Thanks, I'd like to," Allan said, and with a little inner smile he added dryly to himself, "He's getting ready to meddle again."

But Justine remembered that Bessy had not meant to ride had countermanded her horse because of the bad going.... Well, she was a perfect horsewoman and had no doubt chosen her surest-footed mount...probably the brown cob, Tony Lumpkin. But when did Tony's sides shine so bright through the leafless branches? And when did he sweep his rider on with such long free play of the hind-quarters?