United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There was never a ball where I was not looked for, and when I entered the ballroom' she gave a display of how she did it 'there was a rush of black coats and white shirts a mob I used just to wave them all away like that. Oh, yes, Sophia, you were a belle, too 'But never as you were, Caroline. 'You were admired for yourself, Sophia, but with me it was curiosity.

"Men do not smile when they are miserable, do they?" said the Dog; "and my master smiles sometimes when the sun warms right through our coats to our bones; when he feels the hat shake against his knee as the pennies drop in; and when I lick his hand." "But for all that, he is a poor wretched old beggar, in want of everything," persisted the boy.

Windows of sickrooms are opened, the merry small boy goes to school without his tippet, and men lay off their long ulsters for their beaver coats. Caps give place to hats, and men women pause to chat when they meet each other the street. The open door is the sign of the great change of wind.

These only add to the weight which no one would want to carry, and also look out of place. So does fur trimming. Ski-ing clothes cannot be too simple. Elaboration is easily obtained by bright-coloured gloves, scarves or swanks. Coats should be made with a belt, which can be buckled tight before the descent.

Why, Gerty, you have been many a romantic heroine in the theatre; and you know they are not long in making up their minds. And the heroines in our old songs, too: do you know the song of Lizzie Lindsay, who 'kilted her coats o' green satin, and was off to the Highlands before any one could interfere with her? That is the way to put an end to doubts. Gerty, be a brave woman! Be worthy of yourself!

I was lying flat on the platform, and the two men were crouching on the floor I could just see dimly the bottom of their skin coats but the place was beautiful to me as the gate of heaven, and the words of the confession of Christ from out the cloud of smoke were inspiriting to me as if they had been spoken by an angel from out of a cloud of glory.

"They have just such long hind legs, and just such great ears, but their coats are different, and they live on the great plains farther south. Some of them live so far south that it is warm all the year round. One of these latter is Antelope Jack, whose home is in the Southwest." "Tell us about him," begged Peter.

But, as I said, cubhood is not a matter of size only. As I look down at this glossy coat of mine, it is hard to believe that it was ever a dirty yellow color, and all ridiculous wool and fluff, as young cubs' coats are.

Frank was attending to the motor, while the others lay about on the deck, watching the heavens or the surrounding water. Not a breath of wind seemed to be blowing, and the sun came down with summer heat, causing coats to be discarded by all hands. "Hey! What's that? Where's the blooming shore gone?" suddenly exclaimed Bluff. Frank raised his head at the cry.

But to return to ourselves, my child sat as still and as white as a pillar of salt, after the young lord had left her so suddenly and so unawares, but she was somewhat comforted when the old maid-servant came running with her coats tucked up to her knees, and carrying her shoes and stockings in her hands.