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It was he who fed her, and washed her face a great many times a day, and coaxed her to sleep, and took her to ride in her little cart, or walked very slowly when she chose to toddle along by his side, and changed her dress when she tumbled into the coal-box or sat down in a mud puddle. And he had been known to wash out a dress and a nightgown for Sissy when his mother was ill.

"Oh, Gawd, Gawd, wot 'ave I done?" he wailed; sitting down in the coal-box and nursing his new hurt by rocking back and forth. "W'y 'as all this come on me? It mykes me fair sick, it does, an' I try so 'ard to go through life 'armless an' 'urtin' nobody." The tears were running down his puffed and discoloured cheeks, and his face was drawn with pain. A savage expression flitted across it.

With its usual remonstrative mew it fled and found a place of rest and refuge in the coal-box. "But it's not to the Post-Office we're goin', grannie," said Phil, laying his hand kindly on the old woman's shoulder. "What o' that? what o' that?" she exclaimed somewhat testily at being corrected, "has that onything to dae wi' the argiment?

The furniture tumbled about and everybody had to hold on to anything they could catch hold of. As it was, Kilmanskeg slid under a table and Peter Piper sat down in the coal-box; but notwithstanding all this, they did not lose their tempers and when the nurse sat their house down on the floor with a bump, they all got up and began to laugh.

She will worm herself insidiously between your legs. It is her way; she means it in friendship. Neither bark your shins against the coal-box. Why the kitchen coal-box has its fixed place in the direct line between the kitchen door and the gas-bracket I cannot say.

'About half-past three, was the answer, and Jones opened the coal-box to put some more coal on the fire as he spoke. 'Because I haven't had any dinner at all, said Jimmy. 'Oh, you haven't, haven't you? cried Jones, as he stood holding the coal shovel. 'No, said Jimmy, 'and I'm rather hungry. 'Well, I don't know what Miss Morton'll say about you, was the answer.

They heard a long screaming whistle rising to a tempestuous roar and breaking off in a crash which made the ground shake. Next moment a shower of mud and earth and stones fell rattling and thumping about and into the trench. "Coal-box," said Courtenay hurriedly. "Come on. They're apt to drop some more about the same spot." "I'm with you," said Rawbon.

He even looked in the coal-box, and stooped and fished something out, which he held up to the light. "Hello, I don't reco'nize this!" Larcher uttered an exclamation. "He has been here! That's the note-book cover the money was in. He had it the night before he was last seen. I could swear to it." "It's all dirty with coal-dust," cautioned Mr. Bud, as Larcher seized it for closer examination.

I often paid him a visit in the dark back-room in which he consorted with an ink-jar, a hat-peg, a coal-box, a string-box, an almanac, a desk and stool, and a ruler; and I do not remember that I ever saw him do anything else but look about him. If we all did what we undertake to do, as faithfully as Herbert did, we might live in a Republic of the Virtues.

"Excuse me, sir," Soar interrupted. "I believe there's some coal in the coal-box, but I shall have to break up a packing-case for firewood or go out into the yard!" "Let it be the packing-case," replied Hilton hastily. Accordingly a fire was kindled, whilst we all stood about the room in a sort of fearful uncertainty; and before long a big blaze was roaring up the chimney. Dexter turned to me.