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Co'se Brer Fox wanter hurt Brer Rabbit bad ez he kin, so he cotch 'im by de behime legs en slung 'im right in de middle er de brier-patch. Dar wuz a considerbul flutter whar Brer Rabbit struck de bushes, en Brer Fox sorter hang 'roun' fer ter see w'at wuz gwineter happen.

The Major and old Joel had talked late that night after Jack's trial. The Major had come down to find out who Chad was, if possible, and to take him back home, no matter who he might be. The old hunter looked long into the fire. "Co'se I know hit 'ud be better fer Chad, but, Lawd, how we'd hate to give him up.

"But, Uncle Remus," said the little boy, dolefully, "that was cheating." "Co'se, honey. De creeturs 'gun ter cheat, en den fokes tuck it up, en hit keep on spreadin'. Hit mighty ketchin', en you mine yo' eye, honey, dat somebody don't cheat you 'fo' yo' ha'r git gray ez de ole nigger's."

I did threaten once-t to tell her, 'No, thank you, ma'am, I don't keer to be seated but I'll set down ef it's agreeable, but when the time would come I'd turn round an' there'd be the ice-pitcher. An' after that I couldn't be expected to do nothin' but back into the parlor over the Brussels carpet an' chaw my hat-brim. But, of co'se, I was young then.

"He have fought a good fight, and he have finished his co'se, but" here his voice sank almost to a whisper "he have come home to die." A chill seemed to creep all over John Jay's warm little body. He raised his head from the pillow to listen still more carefully.

Von Rittenheim started, a motion that caused three hands to seek as many pistol-pockets. "You mean for selling to you last night that whisky to keep the cold from you?" "Correct. Of co'se you-all took yo' chances, 'n you struck the wrong man." Deputy-marshal Wilder chuckled complacently. He had made few captures lately, and he counted on this to look well at headquarters.

"I know not what co'se othe's may take, my dea' madam, but as faw me, give me neither poverty naw riches; give me political indispensability; the pa-apers have drawn the mantle of charity ove' 'im, till it covers him like a circus-tent." "Ah! but what'll his church do?" The lady bent from her chair and tied her slipper. "My dea' madam, what can she do?

"Atter Sandy got thoo talkin', Tenie didn' say naer word, but des sot dere by de fier, studyin' en studyin'. Bimeby she up 'n' says: "'Sandy, is I eber tol' you I wuz a cunjuh 'oman? "Co'se Sandy had n' nebber dremp' er nuffin lack dat, en he made a great 'miration w'en he hear w'at Tenie say. Bimeby Tenie went on:

"My old man started off this mornin' befo' day, an' soon ez he got out o' sight down the Simpkinsville road, I struck out for Washin'ton, an' here I am. He thinks I'm home seedin' raisins. He was out by starlight this mornin' with the big wagon, an', of co'se, I know what that means.

"Now, Miss Lu," she said, "dat's not de propah way fo' you to talk 'bout dis t'ing; kase dat pony b'longs to Miss Rosie, an' co'se she hab de right to ride him befo' anybody else."