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Mulligan's best rocker, with Tabby curled up at her feet was Aunt Winnie herself, drinking a cup of tea! "Danny!" cried Aunt Winnie, clutching her teacup with trembling hand. "God save us, it's Danny himself!" "Nobody else," said Dan, as he caught her in a bearish hug and kissed the withered cheek again and again.

Little Monsey stood clutching and twitching his fingers. Old Matthew had let the pipe drop out of his mouth, and it lay broken on the hearth. "He has fainted," said Ralph, still holding his burden; "turn that bench to the fire." No one stirred. Every one stood for the moment as if stupefied. Sim's head hung over Ralph's arm: his face was as pale as death.

Then Fresno appeared, running, white of face, Allie, without leveling the rifle, fired at Frank, even as his clutching hands struck the weapon. He halted, with sudden gasp, sank to his knees, fell against the tree, and then staggered up again. Allie had to drop the rifle to hold the frightened mustang. She mounted him, urged him away, and hauled in the dragging lasso.

She was leaning forward as if in an agony of suspense, her eyes on the king, her lips parted, her hands clutching at a great book which lay open before her. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement. And even as he looked Captain Plum saw her head fall suddenly forward upon the table, encircled by her arms. The heavy braid of her hair, partly undone, glistened like red gold in the lamplight.

One day Tapuitea, on going down from the bush towards the sea, saw the footprints of her son Toiva in the sand, followed them to a pool of water, and there she saw the shadow of Toiva in the water. She was frantic with joy leaped, and laughed, and screamed, and then tumbled into the pool, clutching in vain the shadow. As she dived her horns struck against a piece of rock and broke off.

"I wonder whence that stair leads?" said Jim. "Don't go up there, Jim!" I cried, clutching at his arm. "That must lead to the room of the murder." "How do you know that?" "The vicar said that they saw on the ceiling Oh, Jim, you can see it even now!" He held up his candle, and there was a great, dark smudge upon the white plaster above us.

Kennedy and Elaine had scarcely come out of the house and descended the steps, one afternoon, when a sinister face appeared in a basement areaway nearby. The figure was crouched over, with his back humped up almost as if deformed, and his left hand had an unmistakable twist. It was the Clutching Hand.

The clink-clank of the muleteer’s big spurs always set her heart beating; the sight of an arriving convoy from the Channel port thrilled her, and to her the trample of mules, the shouts of foreign negroes, the drawling, broken French spoken by the white muleteers made heavenly real to her the dream which love had so suddenly invaded, and into which, as suddenly, strode Death, clutching at Love.

Blinding snow was being whirled through the air by a wind which had bellowed across the bay, and torn its way howling through the streets, maltreating people as it went, snatching their breath out of them, and leaving them gaspingly clutching at hats and bending their bodies before it.

His face wore a strange, far-away expression, as he reached forth his hand, in a groping way, and rested it on my knee, clutching the gown nervously. Then he spoke slowly, seeking for words, and keeping his eye on the flames: "You have been good to me, Brother Sebastian. Let me ask you: May I tell you something in confidence something which shall never pass your lips? I mean it."