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Uncle Simon he Clum up a tree To see what he could see When presentlee Uncle Jim Clum beside of him And squatted down by he. The Broadway houses have given the public immense quantities of Central Park, Seven Sisters, Nancy Sykes, and J. Cade.

We 'membered that carefully, and this time we used that wide piece that sticks out of the wall, and then clum down Jud's ladder from the back porch roof. That ain't the balcony pillars, grandpa. You never said we couldn't go down that way." In absolute amazement the learned Doctor of Laws gazed long and silently into the anxious, upturned faces.

And Dumps, nothing daunted, continued: "Dilsey an' Chris brought the step-ladder, an' Diddie clum out; an' we runned erway in the woods, an' waded in the ditch, an' got all muddy up; an' the Jay Bird, he was settin' on er limb watchin' us, an' he carried the news ter the deb'l; an' Uncle Snake-bit Bob let us go ter his shop, an' tol' us 'bout the Woodpecker's head, an' that's all; only we ain't n-e-v-er goin' ter do it no mo'; an', oh yes, I furgot an' Diddie's rael sorry an' right 'pents; an' I'm sorter sorry, an' toler'ble 'pents.

"Feeding the birds like the Swedes do on Christmas Day, only we didn't have a pole to hitch our wheat to, and all our wheat was in kernels anyway, and we were told not to go downstairs until Jud and the girls were through dec'rating, so we clum out of the window and I got some hay and grain just as slick! Don't the birds look as if they were enjoying their Christmas dinner?"

But the facts were about as he brutally put it. "Oh, I know 'em. I've dealt with 'em all my life," pursued the box manufacturer. "Now, Lorny, you ought to be a forelady. You've got to toughen up and stop bein' so polite and helpful and all that. You'll never get on if you don't toughen up. Business is business. Be as sentimental as you like away from business, and after you've clum to the top.

I was just a bairn, an' clum in Sandie's boat, whaur I thoucht I would see the best of the employ. My grandsire gied Sandie a siller tester to pit in his gun wi' the leid draps, bein mair deidly again bogles. And then the as boat set aff for North Berwick, an' the tither lay whaur it was and watched the wanchancy thing on the brae-side.

To my astonishment he smiled and waved his hand. "I'm cheek to your jowl, Parson," he said; "set out the O-be-joyful." "Hey, Roy!" called Peppers, "bring another pitcher for Humpty Dumpty." Then he kicked the table with his great cowhide boots and began to bellow: "Zaccheus he clum a tree His Lord an' Master for to see; The limb did break an' he did fall, An' he didn't git to see his Lord at all."

"We have both slid down the pillar into the garden what was the garden and clum up the trellis as easy! Just think how much time we can save going in and out that way instead of having to run clear down the hall to the stairs every time " "Peace!" screamed Mrs. Campbell in horror. "Peace!" echoed the scandalized sisters. But for a long moment the President only stared. Then he spoke.

"But his cell was in the second story, and how did he reach the ground?" "He made a rope ob de bedclothes an' clum down dem. Dey thinks he frew de same rope ober de wall, an' Turner held de outer end while Wiles clum to de top; den he could easy drap to de bottom. Ah 'spects dey bof cl'ar out togedder, an' by dis time air way back on de knobs safe an' sound."

Blake calmly inquired. "You clum b'long me," reiterated the Chinaman. The finger again touched the detective's arm. "Clismas!" Blake rose, at once. He recognized the code word of "Christmas." This was the messenger he had been awaiting.