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Dimples nodded, tossed her whip in the air and clucking to Cinders, went bounding over the fence. A moment more and she had taken her place in the line and was moving along with the procession, bowing and smiling. "That's what I call right fine," glowed Mrs. Cahill. "Did you say that little thing was Mrs. Robinson?" "Yes." "Why, she looks like a young girl."

I tell you, Mother, I'm going to do this up in style." Mrs. Buck groaned out something about waste and sadly began paring potatoes, although it was then quite early in the forenoon and the trolleymen's supper was not to be served until six-thirty. "That child'll wear herself out," she said, not to herself but to an old blue hen who was scratching around the hollyhocks, clucking loudly.

A mad desire gripped her to assert herself, to make plain her resentment at this revolt of the serf. Then she thought of those scuttling, clucking crowds, and her heart failed her. 'Thank you, she said, in a small voice. As she spoke the door opened. 'Well, well, well! said Joe. 'Here we all are! Come in, Eddy. Mary has just been showing me what she can do.

Upsetting the startled Simon, who slipped swearing to the ground, it swooped scolding and clucking over the heads of the other men, and reaching the street in safety, scuttled off at speed, its outspread wings sweeping the earth in its rage. They laughed uproariously as Simon emerged, rubbing his elbow. "There's for you! There's your preacher!" his opponent jeered.

It was no good growing anything, because every one grew so much that there was no market, and the sheep died of foot-rot and you couldn't give your butter away, and it is not much worse to have nothing to sell than not he able to sell a thing when you have it. And the long and short of it is that I hate dairying like blue murder. It's as tame as a clucking hen.

At twilight they would gather from every direction for the courting, some in groups, humming to the accompaniment of clucking and a sort of whinnying, others alone, blowing on the bimbau, an instrument made of small sheets of iron, which buzzed like a hornet, serving to lull them into forgetfulness of the fatigue of the journey. They came from far away.

I have stated myself to be a man of no learning, and, if I entertain prejudices, I hope allowance may be made. I will now confess to one. It may be a right one or it may be a wrong one; but, I never did like Natives, except in the form of oysters. So, when Christian George King, who was individually unpleasant to me besides, comes a trotting along the sand, clucking, "Yup, So-Jeer!"

'Never run away from anything, but face danger and conquer it, like a brave chick, said the old biddy, as she went clucking through the grass, with her gray turban wagging in the wind. Speckle had hopped away from a toad with a startled chirp, which caused aunt to utter that remark.

A lump of dough was baking on the ashes; chimney there was none, so the smoke eddied slowly round, a portion of it making its way into my throat and eyes; at least one pig reposed on the floor of the hut, and I heard a faint clucking of poultry roosting in some remote and dusky corner of the chamber.

The night's so bright I guess I kin use 'em nigh ez well ez in the day." "Certainly you can have them, Mr. Reed. Here they are." The mountaineer took a long look through them, and when he handed them back he uttered a clucking sound, significant of satisfaction. "I 'lowed it was him, when I saw him crawlin' behind that bush," he said, "an' now I know." "Who is who?" said Dick.