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"Wait and see," said Lancaster, as great captains do. And at that moment a first spot of rain fell. Honion looked up apprehensively at a clouding sky. "I thought so," said he; and the weighty words were passed from lip to lip. The multitude swelled as the Captain drew near the notice-boards. Rumour stalked abroad and loudly proclaimed that the lot had fallen upon Doe.

"Bless my umbrella, Tom. But I don't like the looks of the weather." "Why, what's it doing?" "It isn't doing anything, but it's clouding up and the barometer is going down." "I was afraid we were in for it," answered the young inventor. "Well, we'll have to take what comes."

He was tall and dark, with a boyish laugh that I loved, and a way of suddenly becoming very serious in the middle of his fun a sort of clouding over of his face as if the sun had gone under for a minute." She spoke haltingly, but Pearl knew what was in her heart, and her quick imagination painted in the details of each picture.

It is a clouding of the crystal a diversion of the reader's mind from the matter to the manner, from the author's subject to the author himself. No, I have not the Edinburgh edition. If you think of a presentation but I should be the last to suggest it. Perhaps on the whole I would prefer to have him in scattered books, rather than in a complete set.

'So then we went to talking about other things, and we had a song, and then a breakdown; and after that the captain of the watch called for another song; but it was clouding up, now, and the bar'l stuck right thar in the same place, and the song didn't seem to have much warm-up to it, somehow, and so they didn't finish it, and there warn't any cheers, but it sort of dropped flat, and nobody said anything for a minute.

Vivian's face was clouding perceptibly when some one laid his hand on Vernon's arm, and drew him aside, apparently not noticing that he was engaged, Vivian had a friend around that time. "Mr. Vernon does not evidently appreciate my partiality for him," Honor says laughingly, looking straight into Vivian's eyes. "And yet you would throw away on him, the favors I crave to obtain."

Seguin made no reply; but I saw that the painful and anxious expression still remained clouding his features. My own heart was not without its heaviness. A dark foreboding began to creep into it from some undefined cause. Were his thoughts in communion with mine? "How long," I asked, "before we can reach your house on the Del Norte?" I scarce knew why I was prompted to put this question.

"You speak of an almost-forgotten dream," said Adrian, his countenance slightly clouding as he spoke; "the visions of my boyhood have long since faded in the light of reality; I know now that I am not a man fitted to govern nations; sufficient for me, if I keep in wholesome rule the little kingdom of my own mortality.

Morris, as she held a plate of ice cream in one hand. "What makes you think it is?" Mrs. Bobbsey asked. "Didn't you hear that thunder? I can't see the sky, on account of the trees, but I'm afraid it's clouding over." "No, the sun is shining," said the twins' mother. "But I'm sure that is thunder," went on Mrs. Morris.

The history of the French Revolution in England begins with a sermon and ends with a poem. Between that famous discourse by Dr. Richard Price on the love of our country, delivered in the first excitement that followed the fall of the Bastille, and the publication of Shelley's Hellas there stretched a period of thirty-two years. It covered the dawn, the clouding and the unearthly sunset of a hope.