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The bride, who was greatly distressed, produced the pessary which she had purchased, and said she could not possibly use it; her fiancé, however, had been advised that she could, and ought to do so, hence the first serious dispute had arisen between them, clouding the future. She was told by her doctor that it was quite impossible for her, and this fully satisfied the future husband.

A red flush leaped into Ashton's face. Gowan struck his spurs into his horse's flank and loped away. Ashton stood motionless. The puncher disappeared down the mountain side. The twilight faded and darkness closed down about the tortured man. He stood there motionless, his convulsed face alternately flushing and paling, his eyes now clouding, now burning with rage and hate.

Woman's heart is everywhere the same, and in the solitude of her own apartment, Inez's softer feelings found full vent. She sat with her face in her hands, one long deep; sigh, which struggled up, telling of the secret pain that was withering her joys and clouding her future. Suddenly she started up, and passionately exclaimed,

"We shall find it somewhere along the road when he is through with it!" But the face beside him, turning in the clouding dust, had a keen look and the car kept its unbroken speed, and the plain flashed by. "He's in too big a hurry " said the driver sternly. "I want a look at that man! He knows too much." Too much!

If we save our charter and the road, your salary will be in line with the size of the achievement." "If we should lose the charter, sir," Tom retorted, his face clouding, "I don't believe I'd take any interest in the salary question. Money is a fine thing, but the game -the battle -is twenty times more interesting. However, I'm going to predict, Mr. Newnham, that the road WILL operate on time."

I noticed Uncle Lance clouding up over the buyer's lack of appreciation, but he controlled himself, and when Mr. Orahood expressed a wish to retire, my employer said to his guest, as with candle in hand the two stood in parting: "Well, now, Wayne, that's too bad about the cattle being so thin.

"Damn the Princess Elodie!" he thought, with more emphasis than reverence, and he rode along silently, slowly, a frown clouding his fresh, boyish brow, face to face with the prose of the existence he would fain have had all romance and poetry.

"Belle, where did dad and the boys go?" "Oh fussing with the stock," said Belle vaguely, her eyes clouding a little. "We're getting so many cattle it keeps Tom on the go day and night, seems to me. And he will keep buying more all the while. Did did you want to go with them, honey? I guess Tom never thought you might. You've been away so long. You'd better not ride Coaley, Lance.

"But, Monsieur," says Louis, a sombre expression clouding the triumph in his face as he looked hard at St. Aulaire, "what is the meaning of this speech of yours to which Monsieur Calvert makes reference?" "Nom de diable!" whispered St. Aulaire to Calvert, deathly pale and almost ready to faint from consternation. "You have ruined me!"

It's detestable. I thought you were greater. There's some excuse for the pride of wealth, but there's none for the pride of poverty!" "It's a question of character," was the firm answer. "It cuts to the deepest issues of life between us. There can be no compromise." Nan looked at him in despair, her eyes suddenly clouding with tears. "What do you mean when you say give up these millions?"