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Their northern reign ascended above the sixtieth degree of latitude over the Hyperborean regions, which fancy had peopled with monsters, or clouded with eternal darkness. To the south they followed the course of the Borysthenes, and approached with that river the neighborhood of the Euxine Sea.

Buxton to the top of her bent for thinking of sending him away to America. There was a silence when he came in which was insupportable to him. He looked up with clouded eyes, that dared not meet Mr. Buxton's. "I am here, sir, to learn what you wish me to do. Maggie says I am to go to America; if that is where you want to send me, I'm ready." Mr. Buxton wished himself away as heartily as Edward.

All fears however, Bertram flattered himself, should have been dispersed immediately by his appearance and the gentleness of his demeanour: much therefore it perplexed him to observe after the lapse of some time that the shyness and something like displeasure, which had at first clouded the faces of his fair friends, seemed in no degree to give way before his amiable looks and manners.

She rose rustling, and whisked away; when she came back with two tall glasses of clouded liquid on a tray, and the ice clucking in them, he still sat as she had left him, and she said, as if there had been no interruption: "But there is no question of wrong in this case. I call it a sacred war. A war for liberty and humanity, if ever there was one. And I know you will see it just as I do, yet."

With elections coming up, and the boys loaded with vote money back in town with a deck of cheaters like that you want to eat?" He picked the deck up fondly, while a faraway look came into his clouded eyes. "Same ones same identical ones I wore out nigh twenty years ago. Smuggled two decks up here. Set to clean up and I did, for a while." He shook his head sadly, and handed the deck back to Gordon.

"I've still got the hand," he said significantly, extending it toward her "if you have not reconsidered." He laughed as she took it and pressed it firmly. "I rather think that we've both got a shake coming on that," he added. "I didn't understand then about your brother or I would have added a few extra pounds to that punch." Her face clouded as he mentioned her brother.

As to Vespucius himself, it seems very unlikely that he was at all aware of the excitement which prevailed in Europe, nor of what was passing at St. Dié. The testimony that has been unanimously borne to his honourable and upright conduct should surely clear him from the unmerited accusations which have for too long a time clouded his memory.

Then, in as few words as possible, Alice told of her talk with the lady at the church. "And I have this message for you from her and and this." She handed him the note and the folded bank notes. Lloyd's face clouded. "She sent me money?" he said in a changed voice, and his lips grew white. "Read the note," she begged, and he did so, frowning. "No, no," he declared, "it's quite impossible.

The whole panorama of the mystic land of the Hindus was unrolled once more by the memories of fifteen clouded years, He saw again his far-away theater of varied action, with its huge grim mountains towering far over the snow line, its arid wastes, its fertile plains bathed in intense sunshine, its mystic rivers, and its silent, solemn shrines of the vanished gods.

"What a droll name!" exclaimed Lady Mary, laughing. The leaves are also pretty, they are veined or clouded with milky white or dusky purple. The plant has a bulbous root, and in the month of April sends up its single, nodding, yellow spotted flowers. They grow in large beds, where the ground is black, moist, and rich, near creeks on the edge of the forest."