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Nearly twenty years have elapsed since the period at which this book closes,* and, during all that time I have verified the truth and reality of the teaching and experience I have recorded in this volume.

This closes our summer and fall pruning for the third year. Of the gathering of the fruit, as well for market as for wine, I shall speak in another chapter. The operations to be performed are precisely the same as in its third year.

CLXXXVIII. To MRS. RIDDEL. I will wait on you, my ever valued friend, but whether in the morning I am not sure. Sunday closes a period of our curst revenue business, and may probably keep me employed with my pen until noon. Fine employment for a poet's pen! There is a species of human genus that I call the gin-horse class: what enviable dogs they are!

It describes in elaborate detail what it terms a "terrestrial paradise," and closes with the startling information that this paradise is "a scene of desolation and misery." I have given two fair, average specimens of the character of the testimony offered by the majority of the writers who visit this region.

"What am I to do?" burst out the skipper. "This office closes at four o'clock. I can't find a man in half an hour." "This office closes at four," repeats Mr. Powell glancing up and down the pages and touching up a letter here and there with perfect indifference. "Even if I managed to lay hold some time to-day of a man ready to go at such short notice I couldn't ship him regularly here could I?"

The bog-water keeps them quite sound; it doesn't rot them like ordinary water. Sometimes men fall into the bogs, and the marsh-mud closes over them. That's the sort of place Dartmoor is." Hugh was very much interested in all this, but he was a quiet boy, not fond of talking. "Yes," he said; "but where do the things go afterwards who takes them?"

And the sword leaps from the scabbard, and Olaf Hase deals a blow that makes the panel of the church door, which Jens Glob hastily closes between them, fly in fragments. "Hold, brother! First hear what the agreement was that I made. I have slain the bishop and his warriors and priests.

The memoir closes with a beautiful expression of resignation to the Divine will, and of hopeful confidence about the future, in which he was no doubt perfectly sincere. And yet he openly avows a laxity of principle in the matter of preferment-seeking and Court-subservience which taken by itself would argue a very worldly mind. How are we to reconcile the apparent discrepancy?

Though he himself do indeed sing in a manner as to voice and manner the best I ever heard yet, and a strange mastery he hath in making of extraordinary surprising closes, that are mighty pretty, but his bragging that he do understand tones and sounds as well as any man in the world, and better than Sir W. Davenant or any body else, I do not like by no means, but was sick of it and of him for it.

A golden bay 'neath soft blue skies Where on a hillside creamy rise The mission towers whose patron saint Is Barbara with legend quaint. Here spring is merging into summer, and we are in time to see the ceremony which closes the wheat harvest.