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Alderton was close-fisted enough, and while he had the management of the farm it was a place no girl need have wished to come to; but now Mr. Alderton had given up farming this year or two, and young Master Harry, he had the management of everything. Mr.

Still, at the worst, I can but tell the truth should questions be asked, and prove that I got them from a wreck. At all events, there are Jews enough in London who will give me cash for them, though it may cost me not a little trouble to wring their proper value out of the close-fisted hypocrites."

Even the baronet when he becomes a lord has to curtail his purchases, because of increased price, unless he be very wide awake to the affairs of the world. Old Lady Fawn, who would not on any account have owed a shilling which she could not pay, and who, in the midst of her economies, was not close-fisted, knew very well what she could do and what she could not.

And what he makes, he keeps. He's a close-fisted old hunks." "And what is he so scrimping and saving for?" asked a third. "He is unmarried he has no children." "No but he is to be married," said the first. "How! the man's past sixty." "Yes, comrade, but he will not be the first old fellow who has taken a young wife in his dotage.

'Tis the duty of all cavalry gentlemen to bear in mind that their blood is a knowed thing in the country, and not to speak ill o't. 'He's close-fisted. 'Well, maister, he is I own he is a little. 'Tis the nater of some old venerable gentlemen to be so. We'll hope he'll treat ye well in yer fortune, sir. 'Hope he will.

These were Germans, ordinarily held to be close-fisted; but I found that in their dire distress they had taken in a poor old man who was past working, and kept him all winter, sharing with him what they had. He was none of theirs; they hardly even knew him, as it appeared. It was enough that he was "poorer than they," and lonely and hungry and cold. It was over here that the children of Mr.

Balfour is as close-fisted as any miser, although I believe that this meanness has its rise, not so much in avariciousness as in a total incapacity to realize the importance of money to other people. It has been said that the whole history of philosophical thought is an attempt to separate the object and the subject. Mr. Balfour appears to have made this separation complete.

Miss Herbert had been voted "no chance," because she made no secret of her extravagant tastes in dress and jewels, yet despite society croakers she had won the game. This in itself was interesting, as the millionaire she had secured was known to be particularly close-fisted and parsimonious.

He was chilly hearted, but yet quite capable of enough love to make him a good son, a good husband, and a good father too. And though he was ungenerous from the nature of his temperament, he was not close-fisted or over covetous. And he was a just man, desirous of obtaining nothing that was not fairly his own.

"Then that's where you should sell it." "Being as it's you, Mrs. Nestor, I'll give you the tree for fifteen cents." "Does that mean ornaments, too?" "Ornaments," cried Mrs. Ryan. "I haven't any ornaments to spare. Oranges and apples are plenty good for you." "Then I'll only give you ten cents for it. Take it or leave it." "Ten cents! Why I'm ashamed of you, Mrs. Nestor, for being so close-fisted!"