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Strange as it may appear, it seems to have been generally conceded that the typical clodhopper was the ordained farmer! That this perverted idea regarding the requirements of a tiller of the soil, should have maintained its existence for so many ages, is a matter of profound astonishment to every intelligent thinker!" "Pardon me, Mr.

Of all people in the world, the little daughter of a peasant was the last who could have been expected to respond to the appeal of the wretched country. She had three brothers who might have served the King, and there was no doubt many a stout clodhopper about, of that kind which in every country is the fittest material for fighting, and "food for powder." But to none of these did the call come.

He slid from me like a thing immaterial, and was off over the moors with a swiftness which might well have baffled any clodhopper, a race whose calves are generally absorbed in the soles of their hobnail shoes.

How else is one to account for his imagining for a moment that clodhopper, clutch, copious, cosy, cross-grained, greenhorn, and rigmarole are obsolete in England? Far be it from me to assert that Mr. Tucker makes no good points in his catalogue of English solecisms. "The speech of the lower orders of our people," says Mr. Now I protest I am not Mr.

You cannot be very conceited about a game in which the first clodhopper you meet can give you ten minutes' start in an hour. Still a man writing in a humorous vein naturally adopts a certain bumptious tone, just as our friend "Punch" ostentatiously declares himself to be omniscient and infallible.

"That sounds suspiciously like trying to be a Smart Aleck," I retorted. "It may sound that way, but it isn't. You're so mentally alive, I mean, that you've simply got to be slightly acrobatic. And it's as natural, of course, as a child's dancing." But Peter is wrong. I've been out of the world so long that I've a dread of impressing people as stupid, as being a clodhopper.

"Then drive faster," said Sam coolly. "Wish he'd show me how," muttered the driver, as he closed the door and began to mount to his seat, scowling at his slow-going horse. "Good-bye, clodhopper," said Sam, toying with his cigarette, as he threw himself back in the fly without offering his hand. "Good-bye, Sam," replied Tom. "All right, driver;" and the wheels began to revolve.

"Well, to make a long story short, the next thing I knew I didn't know anything, because that big clodhopper came down from a tree right on top of me, and one of his shoes must a struck me on the head right here, for it hurts like the mischief. "When I came to my senses I was fixed up like you saw, and inside this old fish house.

So, however much he might chafe against the bit, he felt he must submit to the bridle. "By God!" said he, "I know what the clodhopper is after; and even if I must suffer in consequence, I shall take good care that he cannot shake off his bonds. Wait a bit! I can play the detective too, and be down on him without letting him see the hand that deals the blows.

I ask you, Maximus, to question these fourteen slaves whom we have produced as to where the boy Thallus is and what is the state of his health; I ask you to question my accuser's slaves. They will not deny that this boy is of revolting appearance, that his body is rotten through and through with disease, that he is liable to fits, and is a barbarian and a clodhopper.