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Very few natives crossed at the ferry during our stay, for it is a long way from the main road and the climb out of the gorge is too formidable to be undertaken if the Salween can possibly be crossed higher up where the valley is wide and shallow.

Hatteras picked up the pistol and stood up. "Good-bye, Jim," he said, and half pushed out his hand. Walker shook his head, and Hatteras went out on to the verandah and down the steps. Walker heard him climb over the fence; and then followed as far as the verandah. In the still night the rustle and swish of the undergrowth came quite clearly to his ears.

"No, I cannot," said he; "this is the way to Kailása," and then climbed to the very top of the tree. Seeing there was no chance of the rogue coming down, and there being no one near to whom he could call for help, the old miser tied his horse to a neighbouring tree, and began to climb up the pípal himself.

On and on, his heart beat with exultation; he was close to the steps and he had not been discovered; he was close to the top of them and had not been discovered; he was just about to climb over when he heard a cry that rang in his ears long after, a sharp, piercing cry, and turning he saw his great-grandmother in her cloak and hood standing in the entrance of the alcove, and reaching out her hands as if she wanted to come and meet him, but could not stir.

Once up there, another ten or twelve feet would take him to the top of the lower wall, and then he felt that it would go hard if he could not climb and hide, or escape up the cliff; so he set to at once to try. Ralph Darley's first step was to get his right hand beside his left, and his feet once more upon the ledge, but the ivy gave way a little more at this movement, and he paused.

Sides get steep and high, then canon begin." "That will run right down to the Colorado?" The chief nodded. "Leaping Horse go no farther. Canon must go down to the river." "How far is it before the sides of the valley get too steep to climb?" "Two miles from here. Men could climb another mile or two, horses not." "Is there much game down there, chief?" The Seneca nodded.

"I say, then, you think we ought to settle down quietly, not bother about building a boat, and make the best of it." "Certainly, for the present. Let's get you sound to begin with, and let the matter rest till you can swing by your arms and climb cocoanut-trees without a twinge." "All right!

Well, that wasn't any manner of good to me, but just as I was going to give it up, and climb down ignominiously, some one inside moved and threw his shadow on my little bit of wall and, by gum, it was Whittington! "After that, my blood was up. I'd just got to get a look into that room. It was up to me to figure out how.

Go forward at all costs. If you come to a river, swim it. If you come to a tree, cut it down. If you strike a fence, climb over it. But don't stop! If you are killed, never mind. Do you understand?" "Almost," said Eggleston. Two days later Eggleston reached the headquarters of General Hood, and flung himself, rather than dismounted, from his jaded horse. "Take me to the General!" he gasped.

"Well, of course I'll go. I was just resting a minute. I got to rest a little, haven't I?" "Well, I guess you're rested. I guess you can climb a plain and simple fence, can't you? You can rest over there, can't you just as well as what you can rest here?" The resting one looked up and down the lane, then peered forward into the shadowy tangle of green things with its rows of headstones.