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I had taken no further steps toward seeking speculative clients, as the trade speculators who had come in were sufficient in number to absorb all that class of business I cared for in the market conditions then existing. Some of the incidents in that business are well worth relating. We had one case where the president of one of the largest manufacturing concerns in Connecticut was the client.

And he was until recently in good trim for establishing his claim, when my client here arrived on the scene. For he is the eldest nephew he is the rightful heir and I am thankful to say that only within this last day or two his claim has been definitely recognized and established, and all without litigation.

During the interview between Tutt and Payson Clifford the door had been open and she had heard all of it; moreover, after Payson had gone away Tutt had called her in and gone over the situation with her. And she regarded Tutt's advice to his client, not the purely legal aspect of it, but the personal and persuasive part of it, as an interference with that young gentleman's freedom of conscience.

The restaurant was crowded, and the coloured band, from the space against the wall on their left, was playing a lively one-step. Ferrani was buttonholed by an important client as they crossed the threshold, and they lingered for a moment, waiting for his guidance. Whilst they stood there, a curious thing happened.

Should it be proved that this living woman was the legitimate wife of the late Earl, not only would the right be barred of those two English ladies to whom all our sympathies are now given, but no portion of the property in dispute would go either to them or to my client.

That Alfred Henry may have been absolutely innocent of the truth that he was using a classicism and not a Kansas mouth-filler is quite probable. In London, Oliver took unto himself a wife, he being twenty-one and three weeks over. The lady was the daughter of a client of the firm for which Oliver Cromwell was a process-server.

For such speeches, delivered in a strictly business-like manner, and always with smiling eyes, and also for the attention he paid to his lodgers the Captain was very popular among the poor of the town. It very often happened that a former client of his would appear, not in rags, but in something more respectable and with a slightly happier face. "Good-day, your honour, and how do you do?"

"On his daily still hunt for the maimed, the halt and the blind. You say the chap had been run over by the stage? Well, Tom'll take his case on a contingent fee fifty per cent. to Tom and fifty per cent. to the client of all that comes of it bring an action against the stage line and recover heavy damages. Oh, it's terrible to think what that poor injured young man will suffer.

He hummed softly, calling his client to attention. Maitland came out of his reverie, vaguely smiling. "I'm waiting, old man. What's up?" "The Graeme business. His lawyers have been after me again. I even had a call from the old man himself." "Yes? The Graeme business?" Maitland's expression was blank for a moment; then comprehension informed his eyes.

His former client eventually said he would not prosecute the forgery if the criminal left England; if not, he would immediately go before the Grand Jury, procure an indictment, and have this man, who had moved a prince among men, arraigned in the dock at the Old Bailey, there to plead and stand trial like any common criminal. And he fled.