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In Russian society there exist clever folk who can speak in one manner to a landowner possessed of two hundred peasant souls, and in another to a landowner possessed of three hundred, and in another to a landowner possessed of five hundred. In short, up to the number of a million souls the Russian will have ready for each landowner a suitable mode of address.

Busk; "otherwise how could he grind at all, when the river is so low as it is sometimes?" "Then I know what he wanted, and I will take a leaf out of his own book the miscreant! He wanted the miller to stop back the water and leave the pool dry at the 'Murder-bridge. Would it be possible for him to do that?" "I can not tell you, miss; but your thought is very clever.

To all men comes, soon or late, the moment wherein their lives are suddenly thrust into their own hands to shape or spoil, to make or mar. It seemed that where a clever man had failed, this light-hearted girl was about to succeed. Two small clinging hands on Jack Meredith's breast had apparently wrought more than all Sir John's care and foresight.

He had no intention of giving up, and, although he had not the slightest idea of the flavor of chicken, he felt that the time had come when he must have it, come what might. So he set his clever brain to work, while his keen, crafty eyes glanced in all directions, but never lost sight of the chicken for a single instant.

The top could be opened or closed at will, and there were many appurtenances and clever contrivances for comfort, designed to add to the delights of a long tour. The family had been so eager to start at once that they had not paused to get hats or wraps, and as the top was down, the strong breeze blew their hair all about, and also made conversation a little difficult.

He was a very clever man, a deeply interesting man, and I have felt this more than I'm going to say. And but I think I'd better tell you why I sent for you." "Yes," assented Brent. "I gathered from what was said at the inquest this morning that you are your cousin's sole executor?" she asked. "I am," replied Brent. "Sole everything."

"You heard what her father said?" "I did. I want to make sure that you did too." "What do you mean?" "Whatever you like," snapped Wade. "There are some jobs that even a clever woman has no business attempting, that's all." "Why talk in riddles, Ben? What's on your mind?" "This wonderful graft exposure which you are planning to spring on an unsuspecting public."

Arthur Pendennis, of Fairoaks; and that the young and beautiful Miss Blanche Amory is " "What! that too?" asked Pendennis. "That, too, dear Arthur. Tout se sait, as somebody would say, whom I intend to be very fond of; and who I am sure is very clever and pretty. I have had a letter from Blanche. The kindest of letters. She speaks so warmly of you, Arthur! I hope I know she feels what she writes.

As one who no doubt 'should be ready to answer and take up such as should crack or face with literature of learning, if any such should be. There was, then, free discussion; they expected clever and learned speakers in the Opposition, and on subjects of the deepest import, not merely political, but spiritual; and the Government needed men to answer such.

Little Ozzy stood in the middle of the room, with his mouth open and his legs very wide apart, struck with something like awe at this new power in 'Tin-Tin, as he called her, whom he had been accustomed to think of as a playfellow not at all clever, and very much in need of his instruction on many subjects. A genie soaring with broad wings out of his milkjug would not have been more astonishing.