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She had a few minutes left before the hour at which Mrs Clere had enjoined her to be back, so she did not need to hurry, and she went quietly on towards Balcon Lane, carrying her lantern for there were no street lamps, and nobody could have any light on a winter evening except what he carried with him. Just before she turned the corner of the lane she met two women, both rather heavily laden.

'By the mass, said Peter Lanaret, 'I will have one peep at this burly gallant'; and, leaving the buttery, he went to the guard- room where Gaston Saint Clere was confined. A man-at-arms, who kept sentinel on the strong studded door of the apartment, said he believed he slept; for that, after raging, stamping, and uttering the most horrid imprecations, he had been of late perfectly still.

Mrs Clere looked down into the eyes that were lifted to her, as Elizabeth stood before her. Quiet, meek, tranquil eyes, without a look of reproach in them, with no anxiety save that aroused for the fate of her friends. She was touched in spite of herself. "Thou foolish maid!" said she. "Why couldst thou not have done as other folks, and run no risks?

The aire of the place so attempre was, That never was ther grevance of hot ne cold, There was eke every noisome spice and gras, Ne no man may there waxe sicke ne old, Yet was there more joy o thousand fold, Than I can tell or ever could or might, There is ever clere day, and never night.

"Tomkins!" said Mrs Clere, in a tone not at all flattering to the despised Tomkins. "Why, if that man knows a Kendal frieze from a piece of black satin, it's all you can look for. Never bred up to the business, he wasn't.

All the negotiations for the purchase of Clere had been carried on through Miss Gertrude and her steward. The Brewer died, the property was sold, and Sam, by his agents, bought old Clere back, eight months before this, for 48,000L. "Then, why on earth," says Mrs. How could people with such wealth as you describe, demean themselves by going home round the Horn, like a parcel of diggers?"

Le Clere, and to me apart said, 'Small swords, and the governor's woods by the spring' as if he were arranging a quite familiar and every-day affair. "I frankly declared that I was new to an office of this kind, and must trust to Mr. Le Clere's honour and courtesy.

The paiment thereof was appointed to be made in the feast daie of saint Remigius, or within fiftéene daies after. Matth. Moreouer, he accursed Ranulfe de Broc, Hugh de S. Clere, & Thomas Fitz Bernard, for violentlie seizing vpon and deteining the goods and possessions belonging to his archbishoprike, without his consent or agréement therevnto.

'By the mass, said Peter Lanaret, 'I will have one peep at this burly gallant'; and, leaving the buttery, he went to the guard- room where Gaston Saint Clere was confined. A man-at-arms, who kept sentinel on the strong studded door of the apartment, said he believed he slept; for that, after raging, stamping, and uttering the most horrid imprecations, he had been of late perfectly still.

Verily, the last recruit that I looked to see join Christ's standard was Nicholas Clere's daughter." "Good-morrow, Mistress Clere! Any placards of black velvet have you?"