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The severest and the only punishment fit for such heinous crimes, he was somewhat shy and fearful of inflicting, as well from the clemency of his nature, as also lest he should be thought to exercise his authority too insolently, and to treat too harshly men of the noblest birth and most powerful friendships in the city; and yet, if he should use them more mildly, he had a dreadful prospect of danger from them.

He hardly staggered beneath the crushing blows of the muskets, delivered short hand and at close quarters, that one might have thought would have fractured his skull. That the interposition of Willinawaugh was not of the dictates of clemency might be inferred from the manner in which the return journey was accomplished.

Swift and sudden in action, the young monarch broke down one after another the attempts of subordinates to free themselves from his authority. By the time that he was twenty-five he had already crushed his adversaries by his vigour or attached them by his clemency.

To-morrow he will be shot." "Yes, sir," acknowledged Harris. "Unless you intervene." At this curiously insistent plea for clemency the short, stocky bearded man who, to so few, had the bearing of a great general, faced Lieutenant Harris and gave him a look which made the young officer's bravery falter for a long moment.

This project in favour of clemency, humanity, and legal government, was conceived by Danton, Philippeaux, Camille Desmoulins, Fabre-d'Eglantine, Lacroix, general Westermann, and all the friends of Danton. Before all things they wanted that the republic should secure the field of battle; but after conquest, they wished to conciliate.

She could not help it, for Clemency was candor itself. Then she bowed very formally, and shook hands sedately when Doctor Gordon introduced James as Doctor Elliot, his new assistant, and carried off her part very well. James was not so successful. He colored and was somewhat confused, but nobody appeared to notice it.

Moore, President of the Provisional Government, was sentenced to banishment by the clemency of Lord Cornwallis, but died on shipboard; ninety of the Longford and Kilkenny militia who had joined the French were hanged, and the country generally given up to pillage and massacre.

Not if you was to have twenty. Mr. Britain's face assumed a serious expression, and he looked hard at the wall. 'An't it kind of him? said Clemency. 'Very, returned Mr. Britain. 'It's the sort of kindness that I wouldn't presume upon, on any account. 'No, retorted Clemency. 'Of course not. Then there's the pony he fetched eight pound two; and that an't bad, is it?

Thanks to your clemency, I have won my bet, and on my return to Vienna, I am to receive one thousand louis d'ors." "I am delighted to hear it, and I advise you to go after them with all speed," replied the countess quietly. "Pardon me if I reject the advice for, as I told you before, I really love you. You have thrown yourself into my arms, and I would be a fool not to keep you there.

To thy royal clemency I owe his life; be it my duty, then, to instil into him other principles than those which actuated him before." "But your own character, my lord, meanwhile, care ye naught for the stain supposed to rest upon it? Thy plans sound wise, and we thank thee for thy loyalty; but we would not ye burdened your name with a deed not its own, an ye cared for the world's applause."