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The elves did as he told them without a thought; then he quickly drew out the axe, which had been sticking into the cleft, and behold! all their fingers were imprisoned tight in the tree. It was in vain that they shrieked with pain and tried to free themselves. They could do nothing, and the young man remained cold as marble to all their entreaties. Then he demanded of them Mogarzea's soul.

Van Cleft twisted it, so as to give the best advantage, and demanded that the speaker come closer to the 'phone. "Can you hear me now?" asked the feminine voice. "Do you hear me now?" "No, speak louder. This is Mr. Williams. Speak up. I can't understand you." The voice was petulant and so distinct that even Shirley could hear it, as he knelt by the side of the phonograph.

The interior slopes are prominently terraced, and there are several spurs associated with the glacis on the S. and N.E. A distinct cleft runs from the N. side of the formation to the S.E. border of the Lacus Somniorum, which is crossed by another winding cleft running from a crater E. of Plana towards the N.E.

Its summit was crowned by the covered grave of some old Kaffir chief a rude cairn of big stones under a thatched awning. At the foot of this jagged and cleft rock the farmhouse nestled four square walls of wattle-and-daub, sheltered by its mass from the sweeping winds of the South African plateau.

Now, my eyes accustomed to the strange light, I saw that the tunnel's walls were of moss. "Hurry!" It was Rador calling. I had lagged behind. He quickened the pace to a half-run; we were climbing; panting. The amber light grew stronger; the rift above us wider. The tunnel curved; on the left a narrow cleft appeared.

A fine cleft may be traced from near the foot of the E. wall to Mount Argaeus, passing S. of a bright crater on the Mare E. of Littrow. It extends towards the Plinius system, and is probably connected with it.

The sun was now risen, and through a deep cleft in the hills it sent a strong shaft of light straight at the island. The yellow light, almost level, struck through the stems of the trees and dazzled the children's eyes.

The heart to which the rootlets of my first affection should have clung, my mother's heart, was closed to me, in spite of my persistence in seeking a cleft through which they might have slipped. I was a girl; I came after the death of three boys; and I vainly strove to take their place in the hearts of my parents; the wound I gave to the family pride was never healed.

And away she hastes and I, burning in a fever of doubt and questioning, must needs lie there and watch her bring the turtle-shell to fill it at the little rill that bubbled in that rocky cleft as I have described before.

And the Caliph, spurring his horse, rode against Oliver and smote him in the middle of his back, making his spear pass right through him. "That is a shrewd blow," he cried; "I have avenged my friends and countrymen upon you." Then Oliver knew he was stricken to death, but he would not fall unavenged. With his great sword Hautclere he smote the Caliph on his head and cleft it to the teeth.