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It is one of the longest in the collection called the State Trials, and is a more full and elaborate inquiry than the trial of Charles I. The case made out was complete and crushing, and the perfect clearness with which the whole truth connected with the movements from day to day, and from hour to hour, of people in the humblest rank was laid open, shews the great capabilities of our public jury-system for getting at the truth.

Silence and death, beneath a transcendent clearness, in the constant radiance of a kind of mournful apotheosis it was such surroundings as these that the Egyptians chose for their necropoles.

A cloud dimmed the radiant clearness of her morning; then she met the strong tenderness in his eyes, and with an effort, she thrust her disappointment aside, as she had thrust it aside at every meeting since the beginning of her love. "I have always wondered if happiness were as happy as people thought," she said gravely, "and now I know, I know."

Mill's first fundamental proposition respecting capital is, that "Industry is limited by capital," who can measure the consequences to Irish industry of the capital lost to it by Absenteeism? But the soundness of the principle laid down by Mr. M'Culloch as universally received, and which Mr. For greater clearness I shall repeat that principle here. "The gentlemen," says Mr.

Here is, however, the letter which I thought I could write without implicating myself: "I answer in French, madam, in the hope that my letter will have the clearness and the precision of which you give me the example in yours. "The subject is highly interesting and of the highest importance, considering all the circumstances.

No function more deeply concerns the healthfulness of the body, the clearness and brilliancy of the intellect, or the purity and sincerity of the soul itself. Several times in the course of this book I have referred to the term "abuse."

Moreover, M. Reybaud, once placed on the ground of economic ideas, would find the more difficulty in being consistent with himself because of the clearness of his mind and the accuracy of his reasoning. I am going to make this curious experiment under the reader's eyes.

"I do not think, neighbor, that you fully understand the matter, which may be owing to a want of clearness on my part; but, as we are now on our way to visit an unfortunate prisoner, we may as well postpone the discussion to another time.

She also explained with sufficient clearness, for on all such subjects the mind of the girl seldom failed her, the present state of the enemy, and the movements they had made since morning.