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"Over the mountain, eh, Tim?" I laughed. "And is Tip going?" My brother caught my meaning, but he did not smile. "Honest," he said. "I am going to New York." "To New York!" I cried. My crutches clattered to the floor as I sank into my chair. "Yes," said Tim, speaking so quietly that I knew it was the truth. "Mr. Weston has given me a position in his store.

Then came the chariot brigade, also of native Egyptians, men probably of higher rank than the foot-soldiers. The chariots were very light, and it must have been exceedingly difficult for the bowman to balance himself in the narrow car, as it bumped and clattered over rough ground. The two horses were gaily decorated, and often wore plumes on their heads.

But Hugh hurled his sword point foremost at the Red Hound, and saw it sink through his skull, till the hilt clattered on his brow; and then he cast one look upon the Lady; and, as a man might enter the gates of his home, he leapt very joyfully down among the spears. There was once a great scholar, Gilbert by name, who lived at Cambridge, and was Fellow of St. Peter's College there.

"I shall be back to-night," and the horse's hoofs clattered down a by-road leading to the city. "Charlie," said the planter, riding up to a window, from which the old man's nightcap was thrust out, "what you say, Charlie, my house for yours, eh, Charlie what you say?" "Ello!" said Charlie; "from where you come from dis time of to-night?" "I come from the Exchange in St. Louis Street."

The scene indeed scintillated with lights and diamonds and crystal. Two orchestras answered each other in a continuous strain of conquering music. Swords and spurs clanked and clattered through the riotous German dances, adding their martial clangor to the regal sounds. Trains were stepped on, dresses torn. The retiring rooms were often sought for repairs.

He appeared to have found some slight difference in the length, for he took two steps away from me, holding the weapons well in the light, where for a moment he surveyed them attentively. His hands shook so that the blades clattered one against the other the while.

Up she started, giving me such a fright that I nearly screamed. She flew with a cackling shriek which set all the blackbirds chippering in the countryside. Round the loft she scattered, calling her hideous noise. Up jumped the carter, down came his pitchfork with a thud. His great boots clattered over the stable to the ladder.

It was as though she had gone to sleep the night before, and waked again upon this scene unchanged, brilliant, full of colour, a chaos of decoration confluences of noisy, garish streams of life, eddies of petty labour. Craftsmen crowded one upon the other in dark bazaars; merchants chattered and haggled on their benches; hawkers clattered and cried their wares.

The globe tilted farther, swung around, then down; two chips fell out, clattered down a chute and into a box. "We're ahead," Magnan said. "Let's quit." Retief shook his head. The globe rotated, dipped again; three chips fell. "She's ready," someone called. "It's bound to hit soon," another voice added excitedly. "Come on, Mister!" "Slow down," Magnan said. "So it won't move past too quickly."

Bob grabbed the man, grappled with him in the pitch dark, and choked him into unconsciousness, Dicky lending a hand. A troop of German cavalry clattered up. Just as the troop drew abreast, the order was given for them to slow from a trot into a walk. The boys held their breath. Gradually the horsemen drew past, then away.