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He had been a great traveller in his youth, had wandered through Austria and Germany, and had picked up disconnected scraps of worldly information, to which, in a measure, his superiority in Kief was due. These were but rumors, however, and the better class of Hebrews paid no attention to them.

One day he had been even duller than usual, and was beaten and told to know his lesson better on the morrow or be sent into a lower class among little boys who would make a joke of him.

More people of our class go to church than in any place I ever saw; more money is given to charity. People just pour out of their houses and into the churches on Sunday morning." She was quite serious and she expressed Pittsburg, or the ruling class of Pittsburg, exactly. Now I don't mean to say that Pittsburg is especially hypocritical; but she does seem to be pharisaical.

The bouquet had been ordered for the best house in the town, and Fru Holmbo said so. "That does not matter," answered Ella. Such genuine admiration of a bouquet had never been seen and Ella got it. From there she went to "Andresen's at the corner." One of the shopmen took lessons in book-keeping from her. She wished to put him off, and asked him to tell the whole of the large class.

The friends of Sir John were now a class by themselves, having no relations to speak of with the body of Whig farmers, merchants, inn-keepers, and the like. Rather it seemed to please the Tory clique to defy the good opinion of their neighbors, and show by very excess and license contempt for their judgment. Some of the young men whom I had known were of late sadly altered.

As a general rule I class men and women as bad or indifferent, but I have a great respect for you, and I want you to believe in me." "I do," cried Kathleen eagerly. "Men have been tried and convicted on false evidence," he went on. "The world judges us by results, but I want you to disregard the past and take my word that I am innocent." "I have always believed it," she said.

The passage from Palma to Barcelona was not so pleasant as that from Barcelona to Palma had been. Chopin suffered much from sleeplessness, which was caused by the noise and bad smell of the most favoured class of passengers on board the Mallorquin i.e., pigs.

The fundamental idea of my address is that the dominance of the bourgeoisie has in no wise been produced, consciously and by their own motion, intentionally and in a responsible manner, by the propertied class as persons or individuals.

Miss Valdés hates the ground I walk on. She thinks I'm the limit, and she hasn't forgotten to tell me so." "Which, of course, makes you fonder of her," scoffed Miss Underwood. "Does she hate the ground that Don Manuel walks on?" "Now you've got me. I go to the foot of the class, because I don't know." "But you wish you did," she flung at him, with a swift side glance. "Guessing again, Miss Kate.

The owner was in reality a nobleman a true nobleman one of that class who, while travelling through the "States," have the good sense to carry their umbrella along, and leave their title behind them. To us he was known as Mr Thompson, and, after some time, when we had all become familiar with each other, as plain "Thompson."