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A third effort, the fiercest of them all, a clasping of hands, and he was lying trembling like a frightened child above the glacier's lip. The ordeal was over, that danger was done with, but at what a cost!

The bishop threw up the arm of Cain as he fired; saw that he had missed his aim, and clasping his hands, raised his eyes to heaven in thankfulness at Francisco's escape. In this position he was collared by Hawkhurst, whose anger overcame his discretion, and who hurled him through the entering-port into the sea. "Officious fool!" muttered Cain, when he perceived what the mate had done.

Clasping the slender hands more tightly, he added, laughing, "And I kiss the fingers that defeated me." "Oh, David," the buoyant voice dropped to a reverent whisper. "I love you, I love you, I I am just crazy about you." "Careful, Carol, remember the manse," he cautioned gaily. "But this is honeymooning, and the manse hasn't gloomed on my horizon yet. I'll be careful when I get installed.

I could fancy the Lady with the Soul clasping her hands, and The Author crinkling his eyes, and Alicia laughing. This last passage, which, I learned afterward, ran under the carriage house, presently crooked like an elbow and led us into a windowless and stone-floored little room, under the cellar.

They were walking toward these tombs, and not toward the gate; and Diodoros whispered his suspicion to his companion, clasping his hand on an amulet in the semblance of an eye, which his Egyptian nurse had fastened round his neck long ago with an Anubic thread, to protect him against the evil-eye and magic spells.

It was a monstrous thing, a nightmare, and she would fight it down. "Brigit." "Yes, Tommy?" With an effort she roused herself and sat up. Tommy had closed the book and put it away. He now sat hunched in bed, his thin arms in their pale blue sleeves clasping his knees. "Brigit, do you think a peer could ever be a really great violinist?"

Dore asked, clasping her hands. “Cure him!” Dr. Pierce answered with his jolliest laugh. “Of course we can. He’s not in half so bad a condition as Maida was when we straightened her out. Greinschmidt taught us a whole bag of tricks. Dicky could almost mend himself if he’d only stay still long enough. Look at Maida. Would you ever think she’d been much worse than Dicky?”

Tessibel's child by adoption would never again gather into his slit of a mouth the flies which favored the sugar. Then Tess, still clasping her dead friend, lifted her head. A stranger had intruded upon her grief. She gathered her bruised, sore feet under the short, ragged girl's skirt, and lifted a woman's soulful face toward the student. "What do ye want?" she asked sullenly. "You called me?"

And clasping her hands, she dug the nails of the one into the other with such force as almost to draw blood. "Senor Don Inocencio," she exclaimed, "let us die there is no remedy but to die." Then she burst into a fit of inconsolable weeping. "Courage, senora," said the priest, in a moved voice. "Courage now it is necessary to be very brave. This requires calmness and a great deal of courage.

She had resolved that if Dan should speak of love again she would be strong enough to resist him; but she had yielded unhesitatingly at a word. And it was inexpressibly sweet to yield, to feel his strong arms clasping her, to hear his protestations and assurances, to know that her life had found shelter and protection.