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"There they go again!" Shot after shot echoed among the cliffs. The gorge extended for another mile, and then widened rapidly. A mile and a half farther the sides were clad with trees, and the slope, although still steep, was, Zeke said, possible for horses to scramble up. "They will go up there safe enough," he said, "five of them with nothing to carry, and the other four ain't heavy loaded.

She was lightly clad, yet soon she was hot, laboring, and her heart began to hurt. When Dale halted to rest Helen was just ready to drop. The baying of the hound, though infrequent, inspirited her. But presently that sound was lost. Dale said bear and hound had gone over the ridge and as soon as the top was gained he would hear them again.

Dea Flavia, like an ethereal figure clad all in white, and with waves of golden hair shimmering over the whiteness of her gown, glided softly across the atrium. A tiny vestibule led into the studio, she crossed it, guided by her knowledge of the place, for the light in the atrium did not penetrate to this recess.

"I fear that Prince Charles would not have made good his escape from England clad in a clanking suit of mail," said the amused Colonel. Just then Yvonne entered with her usual pretty air of importance. "It is Pierre who desires M'sieur to attend in the cellar," she said, addressing herself to Max. The entire party rose, hastily placing tea-cups on any convenient article of furniture.

We shall all be frozen stiff, except" here she directed at me not one of her friendliest glances "except dear old Attila, who is, I observe, well and warmly clad. We will resign ourselves to the prospect of freezing to death like the Babes in the Wood, merely expressing a dying wish that our old pal Attila will see that we are covered with leaves.

The remaining kings, possessed of great courage, clad in mail, stood in the array, each in the position assigned to him, according to the measure of his enthusiasm and resolution, O Bharata. Having thus formed their great array, O Bharata, the Pandavas, and the mighty bowmen of thy army set their hearts on battle.

That same evening within a forest glade a group of men some twoscore clad in Lincoln green sat round a fire roasting venison and making merry. Suddenly a twig crackled and they sprang to their feet and seized their weapons. "I look for the widow's sons," a clear voice said, "and I come alone." Instantly the three men stepped forward. "Tis Rob!" they cried; "welcome to Sherwood Forest, Rob!"

"I know it," said his mother, in a subdued tone, and not moving her eye, though Hugh had disappeared. "It is too cold for him; he is too thinly clad to bear this exposure," said Fleda, anxiously. "I know it," said his mother, again. "Can't you tell uncle Rolf? can't you get him to do it? I am afraid Hugh will hurt himself, aunt Lucy."

In response to MacMaster's ring, the door was opened by a cleanly built little man, clad in a shooting jacket and trousers that had been made for an ampler figure. He had a fresh complexion, eyes of that common uncertain shade of gray, and was closely shaven except for the incipient muttonchops on his ruddy cheeks.

She was a poor widow, and her little boy, clad in a sorry-looking little nankeen jacket, looked thoroughly crushed and intimidated. He took the book of nature stories and circled slowly about the children's toys. He would have given anything to play with them. But he did not dare to. You could tell he already knew his place. I like to observe children.