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Ohio is now second to no other state in her public school system: and well-nigh three-quarters of a century ago, when General Lafayette visited Cincinnati in his tour of the Republic which he had helped to found, nothing surprised and charmed him more than the greeting which the children of her public schools gave him.

"You can't get along by speaking New York in Montana, any easier than you can with English in Cincinnati." Endicott turned away with a sniff of disgust, and the girl's lips drew into a smile which she meant to be an exact replica of the Texan's as she proceeded to slice strips of bacon into the frying-pan.

No man possessed the ability, or the courage, or the sincerity in his object for such a mission in a higher degree than the gifted Yancey." "Resolved, That the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed with the following explanatory resolutions: "First.

It promises to be a work of great value and we hope it will meet with ample encouragement. Cincinnati Journal. Heb. and Orient. Lit. in the N. Y. city University. We hail sincerely this finely executed volume, with its tasteful display of the University front labelled in gilt on the back. But the outward dress is a matter of minor moment. It is the marrow of the book which gives us pleasure.

His eloquence, zeal and courage won a wide reputation, and in 1832, he was offered the presidency of the newly-organized Lane seminary, at Cincinnati. This place he held for twenty years, and his name was continued as president in the seminary catalogue, until his death. Soon after he assumed this position, the slavery question began to assume the acute phase which ended in the Civil War. Mr.

This first hint of winter had stung her fast numbing faculties into unusual activity. She was remembering the misery of the cold in Cincinnati the misery that had driven her into prostitution as a drunken driver's lash makes the frenzied horse rush he cares not where in his desire to escape. This wind of Broadway this first warning of winter it was hissing in her ears: "Take hold!

"I've no doubt," he said, "you have a lovely home in Cyrusville." "Well, I guess it's got all the improvements. Pa, Mr. Benson, said that he didn't know of anything that had been left out, and we had a man up from Cincinnati, who did all the furnishing before Irene came home." "Perhaps your daughter would have preferred to furnish it herself?" "Mebbe so.

At eleven, went to an oratorio; and between that and three o'clock received the addresses of the governor and council of the town of Boston of the president, et cetera, of Harvard college, and of the Cincinnati of the state; after which, at three o'clock, I dined at a large and elegant dinner at Faneuil hall, given by the governor and council, and spent the evening at my lodgings."

I was in the Big Leagues for eighteen years, you know, from 1908 through 192 ... Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I was with the Giants for seven glorious years, with the Dodgers for five years after that, with Cincinnati for one year, and then with the Boston Braves for four. And I loved every single minute of it! "The best years of all were those with the Giants.

He thought it a pity that a literary periodical which had lately been started in Cincinnati should be appealing to the East for contributions, instead of relying upon the writers nearer home; and he listened with what patience he could to my modest opinion that we had not the writers nearer home.