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Hull he called a "sensible fellow"; Victor Dorn he called a crank. But he respected Dorn, while Hull he held in much such esteem as he held his cigar-holder and pocket knife, or Tony Rivers and Joe House. When Victor Dorn had first begun to educate and organize the people of Remsen City, the boss industry was in its early form.

It has slipped from between his fingers, and, with the vindictiveness of inanimate things, has slid and jumped under a pile of rocks. The interest of all around is instantly centred on the lost cigar-holder. The Tommies begin to roll the rocks away, endangering the limbs of the men below them, and half the kopje is obliterated. They are as keen as terriers after a rat.

I noticed that he put his cigar-holder in his vest-pocket a moment ago without first putting it in a case. Who knows, there might be an old comb in the same pocket." But with his air of undisturbed serenity, with his eyes fixed on a point in the table, quietly indifferent, Coldevin listened to the exclamations from the gentlemen of the party.

They have had twelve nights and twelve days of battle, and it has lost its power to amuse. When the sergeants call the companies together, they are eager enough. Anything is better than lying still looking up at the sunny, inscrutable hills, or down into the plain crawling with black oxen. Among the group of staff officers some one has lost a cigar-holder.

"That would please the American," he said, trying to jest, but his hand trembled as he touched the stem of his cigar-holder to shake off the ashes. A sudden thought leaped into her face. "Why not please me instead?" she whispered. Their eyes met. Her face was hard and bold his, cowardly and ghastly. She clenched her hands and leaned forward; her voice was scarcely audible.

The senator drew breath, directed that his grip be put in the room where he was to repose that night, produced an amber cigar-holder from a case, and a cigar from his waistcoat pocket. "I thought I'd better come down early," he said, "things aren't going just as they should, and that's the truth. In fact," he added, significantly tapping his pocket, "I've got a letter from Mr.

"Yes," he pleaded, "but a fellow must draw the line at a sky-blue cigar-holder, you know." And Joan had to content herself with the promise that he would use none other than "Nuxine" dentifrice.