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They traded a little, in a careless, desultory fashion, with the proceeds of their traps and rifles. But their desires were few a pan and kettle, a case of needles and cord, some rum or brandy from cider or wild grapes, tobacco, lead, and powder chiefly the last three.

She was standing modestly at a distance, when presently a young man of well-to-do appearance, who had been leaning on the pole of a wagon and smoking his pipe, approached her, and asked her for a dance. He treated her to cider and cake, bought her a silk shawl, and then, thinking she had guessed his purpose, offered to see her home. When they came to the end of a field he threw her down brutally.

There were more pretentious two-seated cut-unders and stout buckboards, loaded down with merrymakers, four on a seat meant for two; there were rattle-trap phaetons and comfortable carry-alls drawn by steady spans; and, now and then, mule teams bringing happy negroes, ready to squander all on the first Georgia watermelons and cider.

The tramp was not long in attacking it, but after a few mouthfuls laid down his knife and fork. "Where's the coffee?" he asked. "I have no warm coffee," she answered. "Don't you drink coffee in the morning?" "Yes, but breakfast was over two or three hours since. Shall I get you a glass of water?" "Haven't you any cider?" "It seems to me you are particular," said Mrs. Cole, growing indignant.

His conversations about cooking, about cider, brandy and wine, the way of preparing certain dishes and of blending certain sauces were revealed to me at sight of his puffy red cheeks, his heavy lips and his lustreless eyes. "You do not recognize me. I am Raoul Aubertin," I said. He opened his arms and gave me such a hug that I thought he would choke me. "You have not breakfasted, have you?" "No."

If the water wherein mushrooms have been steeped be poured upon an old bed, or if the broken parts of mushrooms be strewed thereon, there will speedily arise great numbers. Take of good cider, 25 galls.; brandy, 1gall.; crude tartar, 1 lb.; of the wine you wish to resemble, 5 galls.; of milk to settle it, 1 pint.

These, like true crusaders, met me, swaggering very heartily, and with their barrels of cider set, like so many cannon, across the road, over against a small hostel. "We have won the victory, my lord King, and we mean to enjoy it. Down from thy horse, and have a stoup of cider, thou big rebel." "No rebel am I. My name is John Ridd. I belong to the side of the King: and I want some breakfast."

Lucian grinned and felt uncomfortable, and the girl set down the jug on the round table and brought a glass from the dresser. She bent close over him as she poured out the green oily cider, fragrant of the orchard; her hand touched his shoulder for a moment, and she said, "I beg your pardon, sir," very prettily.

As good cider as ever I drank was made in a hollowed log fitted with a press-block and operated by a handspike. It took but half a day's work to make this cider press, and the only tools used in its construction were an ax, a mattock in lieu of adze, an auger, and a jackknife. It takes two or three men to run a still.

The nicking sound ceased on the instant, and Samson began indignantly "Well, I do like that, Master Fred. I mayn't be a scholar, and I never larnt Latin, and that sort of stuff, but I'll grow vegetables and make cider with any man in Coombeland." "What has making cider to do with tinder, you great oaf!" cried Fred, angrily, so as to hide his emotion.