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Clerke and all her crew; and so to a private house, and sent for a side of pig, and eat it at an acquaintance of W. Hewer's, where there was some learned physic and chymical books, and among others, a natural "Herball" very fine.

But what shall we say to Spirit of Wine, which being made by a Chymical Analysis of the Liquor that affords it, and being totally Inflamable, seems to have a full right to the title they give it of Sulphur Vegetabile, & yet this fluid Sulphur not only contracts not any degree of Blackness by being often so heated, as to be made to Boyl, but when it burns away with an Actual flame, I have not found that it would discolour a piece of White Paper held over it, with any discernable soot.

We are to suppose our mass of granite without any structure except that of the veins and cutters, formed by the contraction of the solid mass in cooling. Now, those separations will naturally give direction to the operation of the wasting causes, whether we consider these as chymical or mechanical.

And who are we to thank for both the one and the other, but the ignorance of quacks themselves, and the stage-loads of chymical nostrums, and peripatetic lumber, with which, in all ages, they have first flatter'd the world, and at last deceived it?

And though as matters now stand, Physicians have not the honour to be counted superiour to Apothecaries in their Art, yet every one knows that they alone are the prescribers and directors of the Apothecaries in what they know; and are able to puzzle them in infinite things that concern their Trade, besides in Chymical preparations, whereof most of them are totally ignorant; and should Physicians withdraw themselves from their conversation, few pretenders to Physic would appear more unskillful then they, neither knowing how to deal with a new Simple, nor a new disease.

'Johnson was well acquainted with Mr. Dossie, authour of a treatise on Agriculture ; and said of him, "Sir, of the objects which the Society of Arts have chiefly in view, the chymical effects of bodies operating upon other bodies, he knows more than almost any man." Johnson, in order to give Mr. Dossie his vote to be a member of this Society, paid up an arrear which had run on for two years.

How many simples of unknown properties have been brought into use, to the great comfort of the sick? and many more may be, as also many preparations, both simple and compound, both in the Galenical, and Chymical practice, and by this means the Art will be advanced to its just dignity, now much diminished, dishonoured, and near to be lost by the intrusion of ignorant persons.

His time was wholly taken up in visiting the sick, studying, ntaking chymical experiments, searching into every part of medicine with the utmost diligence, teaching the mathematicks, and reading the scriptures, and those authors who profess to teach a certain method of loving God .

I am displeas'd at your Grey-Eyes, and black Eye-brows, and Beard; I never knew a Man with those Signs, true to his Mistress or his Friend. And I wou'd sooner wed that Scoundrel Scaramouch, that very civil Pimp, that mere pair of chymical Bellows that blow the Doctor's projecting Fires, that Deputy-urinal Shaker, that very Guzman of Salamanca. than a Fellow of your infallible Signum Mallis. Har.

A chymical operation could not be followed with greater art or diligence, than is seen in the hatching of a chick; though there are many other birds that shew an infinitely greater sagacity in all the forementioned particulars.